Friday, December 24, 2021

Flying into clouds on powered glider (video)

Flying to 17,500 feet on a paramotor
(Chucky Wright, Sept. 18, 2021) Paramotors (or powered paragliders) are fun but dangerous.

The Flight of Icarus (Jacob P. Gowy, 1637)
This is by far the most insane video I have ever made as I live through it. It is literally the coldest I have ever been, which is surprising considering I ice dive. This is the highest I have ever flown outside an airplane.

God or Maha Brahma is amazing, and I'm sure heaven will be ten times this view. I can't wait to die and find out. What will be my next wild adventure?

For millions more, I can do it better, right, Crew?
For anyone wondering, this was all done in completely legal airspace.
  • Email me with any nquires at:
  • Instagram: superchuckcw
  • Facebook: chucky wright

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