Tuesday, December 21, 2021

How do pandemics end? Mild omicron

There's so much money to be made, given to us by Big Government to do what they want.
We can charge whatever we say it costs to make.
Radio talk show host Garland Nixon (NewsViews) is on KPFK.org on Monday. saying something very interesting about pandemics: How do they end? It turns out there's research. We know how they end. So we know how COVID-19 will end. It's already happening.

Radio Host Steve Quayle on dead scientists and latest vaccine news headlines
According to established research, a virus or pathogenic microbe mutates, weakens, and disappears back into the population to be resuscitated by the powers that be when they need it again, plandemic-like.

The crux of the matter is that after they have a virulent phase, scaring and killing many victims (think delta variant), they become mild but more easily spread (think omicron). The weaker variant spreads, the less it's of concern.
  • It might be harder to get delta, but it comes with more consequences. It's easier to contract omicron, but who cares if it's mild?
  • The Law of Declining Virulence or lethality (by Dr. Theobald Smith, MD) means more contagious, less deadly; more deadly, less contagious (because it would kill its host).
  • They have to scare us with it and future variants to milk it to the utmost, getting in all the draconian measures they want, turning right against left and dividing the nation, enriching the heck out of Big Pharma...
NewsViews is progressive news and editorializing. The show focuses on, yawn, politics. But what it really focuses on is addressing stories and issues that the corporate mainstream media overlook or intentionally ignore.

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