Tuesday, December 21, 2021

The allegory of the Buddha's life (video)

(Historical Documents, May 28, 2015) The Buddha, a documentary by David Grubin, is narrated by Richard Gere.

This is the allegorical story of Siddhartha's life and, therefore, by extension, of us all. What makes it relevant and universal to the choice and journey we all face? We, too, have a quest.

After 400 BC, a new philosophy was born in Southeast Asia, generated from the ideas of the Buddha, a mysterious former prince from Scythia (Central Asia, ancient Gandhara, between Afghanistan and Nepal), who gained supreme enlightenment while he sat under a large sacred fig tree (Ficus religiosa).

This nearly two-hour long historical documentary is a contemporary American attempt to tell the tale blending traditions. Other documentaries: youtube.com/playlist...

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