Friday, April 15, 2022

Body of Jesus Christ found by archeologists

Scoot, Dr. Todd Amick (WWL Radio New Orleans, 4/15/22, via MSN); Eds., Wisdom Quarterly
The Jesus and Mary chain is more than a music ensemble. The two images rule the world.

The hewn stone tomb of impoverished carpenter stone mason and messiah Jesus (Scoot/)
Jesus Never Existed
BREAKING NEWS: The body of Jesus Christ was discovered by archeologists... Easter has been canceled!

If that were actually breaking news, would it change your faith? Let this act as a Good Friday exercise that encourages us to look at our own beliefs.

A priest and professor (Dr. Todd Amick) who taught a theology class at Loyola University in New Orleans explains that the Bible is a great book with profound stories that are not necessarily 100% accurate.

From Adam and Eve to Jesus walking on water, stories are presented as more of a visual illustration of a message than a factual account of what happened.

Eostre (Ostara) is the original reason for the season.
PsyOps: Caesar's Messiah
So I ask the question, If the body of Christ were discovered [which would mean he were not resurrected, not physically risen in this body], would that change your faith? I know many will argue that Christ’s body will never be found because of what is written in the Bible.

I understand that opinion, but considering the Bible is recognized by many studied theologians as a work that is not entirely factual, the specifics of what happened to Christ’s body can be a fair discussion.

The intent of this blog is NOT to change your beliefs, but it is intended to challenge whether your faith is based on all the stories in the Bible being factually accurate.

My faith and belief system are based on the idea that every story in the Bible is not based on fact and that the stories of the Bible were stories designed to tell a story and convey a message. More + AUDIO

Here is the buried body of Jesus Christ:

Reborn: Jesus and Mary! (Alan John Miller)
The physical corpse of a dead Jesus of Nazareth is buried in Kashmir, India, in a burial plot underneath an important local Muslim figure, which keeps Jesus from being disinterred due to the Islamic custom not to disturb graves. See the BBC's The Tomb of Jesus in Kashmir for details of this shocking discovery.

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