Saturday, July 23, 2022

LIVE BSV Dharma talk: Ven. Pasadika (video)

LIVE Dhamma talk | Buddhist Society of Victoria, Australia | Ven. Pasadika
(BSV Dhamma Talks) Streaming live July 24, 2022. Found this video useful? Remember to subscribe ( and forward to friends who would benefit from the Dhamma teachings.

ABOUT THE SPEAKER: Ven. Pasadika is a well-known Theravada Buddhist monk with a solid education who has completed studies under Na Uyana Forest Monastery and a few other forest monasteries in Sri Lanka, Thailand, and Burma. The monk has a Master's degree in Buddhism and research. After completing his education and training in 2012, he started teaching Buddhist education and meditation. As a meditation teacher he has traveled extensively teaching Dhamma and meditation practices to various groups in various countries, including Europe (Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, France, and Germany), Asia (Malaysia, Singapore, India, Thailand, Nepal, and Cambodia), and Australia (since 2016). He is fluent in several languages, including Sinhalese, English, and Hindi. At present he is the chief spiritual adviser at Dhamsuwa Meditation Centre in Melbourne, Australia. He also leads meditation circles in France, the Netherlands, and Sri Lanka, as well as serving as an advisor to a Malaysian meditation association. His meditation experience goes back several years. In teaching he follows the conceptual strategies of calm and insight (samatha and vipassana) rooted in Theravada Buddhism. Bhante Pasādika is familiar to those who live in Melbourne and is highly respected by his wider audience in other parts of Australia and in countries abroad for his long-term association with them as an adviser and a spiritual leader due to his widely encompassing knowledge of Dhamma and meditation techniques and for his fluency in English programs.

BSV BUDDHIST CENTRE: While registered as a Buddhist not-for-profit association, Buddhist Society of Victoria (BSV) welcomes members of all backgrounds and religions. Located in Melbourne, the East Malvern center hosts programs that guide members in meditation as well as practical Buddhist teachings for kids, teens, and adults. The spiritual advisor is Abbot Ajahn Brahm,  Bodhinyana Monastery, Western Australia. For more info:

FOREST MONASTERY: Newbury Buddhist Monastery is just 70 minutes from the heart of the city of Melbourne. The magnificent landscape and tranquil surroundings offer an inspiring backdrop for seclusion and meditation. With its establishment, both male and female spiritual aspirants can seek full ordination. This supports the cultivation of Buddhist teachers who in return, share Dhamma teachings across the world. Support the building projects:

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