Friday, July 22, 2022

The Life of the Elect: Beth Upton

Beth Upton (, July 2022); edited by Dhr. Seven, Wisdom Quarterly

Hello friends, I will be taking some time offline over the coming ten days, teaching at the Buddhafield Festival and road-tripping with friends in my dearly beloved Delphine (pictured above).

Before I sign off, there are a few quick reminders. First, remember that the fundraiser for Sanditthika Meditation Community is now live. I am delighted to announce that we are already nearly one third of the way to reaching our 30,000 euro target!

Thanks so much to all who have already offered such generous support. It has been an exciting week for me and the whole Sanditthika Team, seeing so many people get behind the vision for the community to grow and thrive.

If you haven't done so already, please consider making a donation. If you are unable to support us financially, you can also support the cause by spreading the word far and wide. Donate/Share

Out today is my new YouTube video on the Four Right Efforts. I will be recording more of these videos over the summer, so if you have any requests for topics you'd like me to cover, please let me know. Watch

On Tuesday, July 12th, there will be a group interview. These online sessions offer us the chance to ask questions about your own meditation practice and to listen and learn from the questions of others. These group sessions are open to everyone and are also a good option if you are having difficulty booking a one-on-one Zoom appointment with me.

Book your place at the group interviews up to a month in advance here. Also live from the UK, 8:00-10:00 pm, I will be hosting the next Full Moon Gathering. These gatherings are a great opportunity to come together to deepen our connections to the Dhamma and to each other.

This month's gathering will be on the topic of mobile cell phones -- a topic that seems to influence us all in various powerful ways. Everyone is welcome!

You can book your place at the gathering here. Although my availability on Zoom is somewhat reduced over the coming months, I will still be making some time available most weekdays.

You can book your regular one-on-one Zoom appointments with me up to two weeks in advance here. As ever, all of my work is given on a donation basis. For information about some ways in which you can support my work, take a look here.

With much metta and gratitude,

Beth Upton

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