Friday, July 22, 2022

Ajahn Brahm: I "want" to get enlightened

Ajahn Brahmavamso, Buddhist Society of Victoria, 5/29/21; Dhr. Seven (ed.), Wisdom Quarterly

Ajahn Brahm: I want to get enlightened
(BSV Dhamma Talks) Streamed live on May 29, 2021. For thousands of years lots of people have been yearning to awaken, to become enlightened, practicing hard to do so.

They are practicing very diligently, regularly doing many hours of meditation, listening to lots of Dharma talks. Yet, they still want to enjoy the comforts of life. Some are following monks who are “purported” to be enlightened! They thought they are very wise, having gotten rid of the “self,” would like to help people, but thinking that they don’t have sufficient means to do so, as they have to keep some for themselves and their family to maintain their comfortable lifestyle. Yet, we can see that they often portray actions of conceit, ill will, greed, anger, and so on.

What does it mean to be an enlightened being? Are there several levels of enlightenment that lay practitioners can aspire to? What is/are the path(s) and signposts along the Dharma path signaling that we are on the right track toward eventual enlightenment one day or in some future lifetime?

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