Wednesday, November 23, 2022

FREE: Native Vegan Thanksgiving (11/24)

2022 Rancho Park Vegan Potluck Picnic on Thanksgiving Day | Facebook
Stacey P. takes a selfie with vegan potluck picnickers in Santa Monica (Meetup)

This is the first year Dave, one of the founders of the FREE Vegan Thanksgiving in Los Angeles tradition is not formally leading the event. Others have stepped up to continue the tradition (and word has it Dave wouldn't miss it for the world). It's a potluck of all plant-based VEGAN (no animals products of any kind, no dairy, no honey, no synthetics and artificial things, nothing that harmed an animal in the making), largely organic, and utterly compassionate (Sanskrit ahimsa or harmless) foods. We do not let perfection be the enemy of good. Foods not fitting this description, if brought by accident, are given a separate table for those still eating SAD (the Standard American Diet). Please bring a full LIST of INGREDIENTS for all homemade items or keep the label on any store-bought dish. Hundreds will be in attendance. There is art, games, performance, and a big feast for all (including animal companions). RSVP FREE:

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