Wednesday, January 25, 2023

When Sharon Salzberg came back from India

Sharon Salzberg, Festival of Faiths 2018; Ashley Wells, Crystal Q. (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
New York Jewish-Buddhist hippies hanging out in Calcutta, India with Dipa Ma

"Our relationship with pain and suffering" | Sharon Salzberg
(Festival of Faiths) Aug. 22, 2018. #FOF2018 From the session: "Dark Nights of the Soul" | 2018 Festival of Faiths:
Dipa Ma (Amy Schmidt)
American Theravada (Vipassana) Buddhist Sharon Salzberg is a central figure in the field of mindfulness and loving-kindness meditation, a world-renowned teacher, and a New York Times bestselling author.

She has played a crucial role in bringing meditation and mindfulness practices to the West [from India] and into mainstream culture since 1974. She is co-founder of the Insight Meditation Society in Barre, Massachusetts, and the author of ten books, including Real Love.

She offers a secular, modern approach to Buddhist teachings, making them readily accessible. "World religions teach us that suffering is part of the human condition. Our attempts to avoid suffering prevent us from experiencing essential insights and awareness that lead to spiritual healing and growth.

Knee Deep in Grace
"Individually and collectively, we must step into the shadows, sit with our fears, and embrace vulnerability. Spiritual teachings and practices help us transform the darkness into light, the fallow to the fertile, and awaken a deep level of awareness and accountability.

"Through these teachings, can we come to confront our shortcomings and broken behaviors? How can we face America’s most egregious acts, including genocide and slavery? How can feminine insight hold space for the darkness so that we can be transformed?"

THE 23RD ANNUAL FESTIVAL OF FAITHS, "Sacred Insight - Feminine Wisdom" is a five-day nationally acclaimed multi-faith celebration of music, poetry, art, film, and dialogue with spiritual leaders, practitioners, and teachers. April 24-28, 2018 | Louisville, Kentucky. More info:

The 2018 Festival explores practices, teachings, and insight rooted in Feminine wisdom. Speakers and artists from diverse backgrounds and faith traditions examine the Feminine aspects of God, non-dual thinking, the wisdom of the natural world, suffering, healing, emotional intelligence, and creativity.

The Festival seeks to offer deeper insight into the Sacred Feminine in all of us. Join the Conversation. Join the Movement. #FOF2018

"One of America's Top 8 Spiritual Travel Destinations."
- Huffington Post

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