Monday, August 21, 2023

Ana Kasparian outs gay white supremacist

Damage Report, 5/22/22; Sheldon S., CC Liu, Pfc. Sandoval (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
Incel Nick Fuentes: "Come Out For America" tee-shirt idea by HosAintHuman on X (
Proud incel Nick Fuentes goes full weirdo on dating women
Liar? Hypocrite? By Fuentes' own logic, he's acting "gay" with hot OnlyFans model "beard."
(The Damage Report) Green screen Neo-Nazi, incel (involuntary celibate), possible Proud Boy, self-proclaimed Mexican white supremacist Nick Fuentes goes on a rant about how he believes that men "dating women is gay," while getting very defensive about his own lack of romantic or intimate relationships with females.
(TJDSJimmy Dore outs hypocrite Ana "Turk" Kasparian
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Anti-gay activists burn flag in pro-Nazi Ukraine
Female Francesca Fiorentini (they/them?) and TYT hypocrite Ana Kasparian (she/her) break it down on The Damage Report.

"It was reported that America First — a white nationalist movement inspired by the rise of former president Don John Trump — had been thrown into turmoil. Why? One of its higher-ups got himself a girlfriend.

I had a troubled childhood but then found Eva.
When the movement’s treasurer found a romantic partner, it enraged head honcho Nick Fuentes, who has described himself as both “just like Hitler” and a “proud incel,” the term for those who are “involuntarily celibate.”

(Why anyone would be “proud” to be “involuntarily” anything is another discussion). Now Fuentes has doubled, tripled, and quadrupled down on his stance, arguing that “there’s nothing more 'gay' than hooking up with girls.”

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