Sunday, August 27, 2023

Has comedian gone too far? (video)

Dave Chappelle, Trevor Noah, Jon Stewart; Eds., Wisdom Quarterly

Who in the hades does Dave Chappelle think he is not jumping on the Anti-Trump bandwagon? There are reasons why Blacks and other non-whites might vote against their own apparent interests? The Democrats are bunch of backstabbers, so it's no crime to dump the largest political party in the country. But going for the explicitly racist and implicitly biased Grand Old Party (GOP)? No way. Still, backing a Honest Liar like Trump is not the worst thing, given how much Barry and Hillary lied, lied, lied about so many things. Trump lies more but is capable of telling the naked truth, too, unlike those two establishment candidates. Enough with our single party system (the Money Party, with its two wings, right and left). We need a SECOND party, and a Third Party wouldn't hurt either.

Daily Show's Jon Stewart finally gets it decades later
When beauty goes evil, it's more ugly than funny

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