Sunday, August 27, 2023

How many sexes are there? (Matt Walsh)

Matt Walsh (YA's Foundation); Pfc. Sandoval, Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Dr. M. Grossman is ANTI-trans
"Truth matters." Is it social contagion that so many millennials and others are suddenly all about going gay, switching sexes, or playing dress up and demanding new pronouns?

A beautiful transgender man, a long time EMT in New Mexico, stands up to [jerk] Matt Walsh with all his logic, rationality, and lawyer-like debate style and, sadly, goes down in flames -- in a civil discourse in front of [conservative] college students on campus.

Matt Walsh debates transgender EMT who ends up speechless

(Young America's Foundation) Views: 1,199,496, posted April 7, 2023: The Daily Wire's Matt Walsh got into a debate with a transgendered woman who was a self-proclaimed EMT who immediately gets stumped by one simple biological scenario. "Intersex is a genetic anomaly," according to Walshe not a "third sex" as we are being led to believe, particularly by the new documentary Every Body:

INTERSEX: non-binary, non-hermaphrodite, abnormal, atypical congenital (from birth) medical condition, leading to gender assignment by biased doctors at birth (in 1 in a 1,000 births?) Ancient Indian texts (Brahminical, Vedic, Buddhist, Jain) would label such individuals pandakas.

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