Saturday, September 30, 2023

CateBu: Catholic Buddhist | friars (Family Guy)

Crystal Quintero, Ashley Wells, Sheldon S., Pfc. Sandoval (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Cook, Woman! - Bless you, Husband.
There are nontheist Buddhists, atheist Buddhists, JewBus, Zen freaks, Dalai Lama fans, Soka Gakkai cult chanters ("Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo"), and all kinds of Asians born into the Dharma, but what about Roman Catholics (suffocating in the patriarchy), can we be Buddhists?

Wisdom Quarterly surmises that most American Buddhists were born Catholic. (We're trying to coin the term CateBus, "Catholic emerging Buddhists," for Recovering Catholics hungry for the real thing -- direct experience of the Truth without temple priest go-betweens -- like psychonauts or shamans/samanas).

It's the world's largest religion, has issues with Protestants, and may just be the easiest Abrahamic faith to question and reject. It's preposterous. But Friar Fun is nice and restores are faith that not all Catholics are all bad. Our parents, some non-molesting priests, some non-apathetic hypocrites in the Vatican, even this pope seems pretty cool compared to the previous Nazi Pope.

Is Catholicism ("Universalism") a form of Christianity or its own religion?

Fr. Patrick did NOT like Family Guy
(Upon Friar Review with Friar Casey and Friar Patrick) Sept. 29, 2023: BREAKING IN THE HABIT: Blog: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Podcast: INTERESTED IN BECOMING A FRIAR (CATHOLIC MONK)? Holy Name Province: Find your Vocation Director: SUPPORT THE MISSION Order my books: Donate Monthly: One-time gifts:

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