Saturday, September 30, 2023

Farmers vs. Vegans: hardcore debate (video)

Hammad, 3/11/23; Ananda (Dharma B Meditation), Seven, Ashley (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
Youthful, vibrant, beautiful animal-loving vegans debate old, crusty, pissed animal killers.
There's more than enough delicious nutritious food for everyone when we go vegan.
Vegans vs. Farmers: Hardcore Heated Debate
(Hammad c) The vegans vs. farmers debate is a heated battle of ethics, environmentalism, and the health implications of raising, tormenting, butchering, and consuming animal bodies.

WARNING: Violent numbing videogaming! Killer in training reacts to vegan activist compassion.

Eating "meat" free of killing animals
Conscientious and compassionate vegans argue that killing animals to make them "food" is unethical and that a plant-based diet is the most sustainable and healthy lifestyle for human health.

However, conservative and compassionate farmers stand by their animal butchering practices, arguing that it's necessary to make "food" out of these living beings to make money (a livelihood).

The stakes are high, and both sides have compelling arguments. To find common ground, we need constructive dialogue and solutions that benefit everyone -- including animals, our shared environment, farmers, and these d*mn cr*zy vegans.

Thanks to sponsors UpInSmoke, Kauphy Place, and Autolinx for supporting this intense discussion and promoting sustainable and ethical practices. #vegan #funny #debateFollow:,,, store. Support on Patreon: Link to YouTube channel: @hamstarist.

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