Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Nazis honor Nazis: Ukraine loses war

Craig Jardula (TJDS, 9/26/23); Pfc. Sandoval, Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

How endless war keeps elites secure at home
Ukraine loves any country or cabal that provides it weapons, money, and tactical advantage
Nazis in Ukraine's gov't are a documented fact.
(The Jimmy Dore Show) Sept. 26, 2023: What’s critically important about a U.S. proxy-war like we are conducting in Ukraine is not that it promotes democracy (or women's rights, or LGBTQ+ rights, or human rights, or any other BS pretext).
  • Canada’s House speaker resigns after inviting Ukrainian Nazi who fought for Nazi unit
  • The speaker of Canada’s House of Commons has resigned after inviting a Ukrainian man who fought for a Nazi military unit during the WWII to Parliament to attend a speech by current Ukrainian Pres. Volodymyr Zelensky, who delivered an address in the House of Commons on Friday and applauded the Ukrainian Nazi. Canadian lawmakers gave 98-year-old Nazi Yaroslav Hunka a standing ovation when Speaker Anthony Rota drew attention to him. Mr. Rota introduced Mr. Hunka as a "war hero" who fought for the First Ukrainian [Nazi] Division. It later was publicized that the First Ukrainian Division was [a Nazi unit] also known as the Waffen-SS Galicia Division, or the SS 14th Waffen Division, a voluntary unit that was under the command of the [German] Nazis.
  • In Moscow, a Kremlin spokesman said it was “outrageous” that [Nazi] Hunka received a standing ovation. Russian Pres. Volodymyr Putin has painted his opponents in Ukraine as “neo-Nazis,” although Pres. Zelensky [who may not actually be] Jewish and lost relatives in the Holocaust. “It’s highly unfortunate and the only winner here is the Putin regime, which is already spinning what happened on Friday to justify its ongoing military actions in Ukraine,” said Prof. Daniel Beland, a political scientist at McGill University in Montreal. The opposition Conservatives in Canada have blamed PM Justin Trudeau... More

It's a fact. It's real US-backed Nazis
Nor does it “deter” an enemy or even that it enriches U.S. and Israeli defense contractors (capitalist munitions manufacturers), necessarily — it’s that this kind of war provides the public with something to focus their attention on and concern themselves with BESIDES the economic pillaging going on at home (the U.S.) by the Establishment and its elites.

Nazi recruitment poster in modern Ukraine
Guest host Craig “Pasta” Jardula talks to writer John Leake about endless U.S. war as a necessary distraction once the COVID pandemic began failing to bring the military all it had hoped for and the gain of function research is back on course to create something better -- a bird flu, swine flu, bat flu, super-malaria-dengue fever-Ebola) winding down.

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