Monday, November 20, 2023

Dollar Stores: Last Week Tonight w/John Oliver

(LastWeekTonight) Nov. 20, 2023: John Oliver discusses Dollar stores and why Irish Spring is not his bar soap of choice. Connect with Last Week Tonight online... Subscribe to the Last Week Tonight YouTube channel for more almost news as it almost happens: Find on Facebook like your mom would: Follow on Twitter for news about jokes and jokes about news:

@highstimulation2497(@highstimulation2497) This isn't surprising. Owning a company, paying almost nothing to the people who actually do the work, and making billions while they suffer seems to be the entire goal of our whole country. 

@benfiorwolf4446(@benfiorwolf4446) That that lady knew exactly how to pronounce ‘filet mignon’ & ‘escargot’ then pointed out people like her have to eat ‘Raymun noodles’ is absolutely my favorite thing for today. 😂

@unstablefusion3(@unstablefusion3) I worked at Walmart for a while, and a few of my coworkers described working at Dollar General as a torture chamber. They say that WHILE working at Walmart.

@zeobide274(@zeobide274) The man in the suit snapping his fingers and telling the volunteer to hurry up is the most realistic thing about corporations I've ever seen. 😂😂😂😂

@sibzmauler5429(@sibzmauler5429) I worked at a Dollar Tree back in college so that I had money for food (God forbid I needed the job for more), and I was robbed with a knife to my back a week before graduation. The most I got was a phone call from my district manager asking if I was ok, and I still had to finish my shift that night. I have so much sympathy for the people that need those jobs. I normally was one of two or three people that covered an entire store for a shift. It was hell.

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