Monday, November 20, 2023

Exposing Joe "Money Bags" Biden

Alex Marlow (; Pfc. Sandoval, Seth Auberon (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
Breaking Biden by Alex Marlow (©2023 Alex Marlow (P)2023 Simon & Schuster Audio)
Me, too, Joe, but I $hut up my Ivanka.
Researcher Alex Marlow takes an eye-opening deep dive investigation into the 46th president, Joe Biden. Over Biden's half-century career in Washington, he has become known for his
  • wild dishonesty,
  • embarrassing policy failings, and
  • absolute lack of accountability.
This has culminated in a predictably unpopular presidency. But what had not yet been revealed until this New York Times bestseller is the vast web of
  • consultants,
  • bureaucrats,
  • corporate titans,
  • foreign interests, and
  • various extended family members (not just Hunter) who have achieved unfathomable wealth and power while keeping senile Joe Biden in charge.
Trump is so bad he lost to Biden.
Now, Marlow reports the findings of a shocking, in-depth investigation into the individuals and entities behind the devastating decisions that have empowered the global elite at the expense of the American public.

With his signature “prescient” (Tucker Carlson) writing, Marlow unearths new details such as: 
  • EXPOSED: The secret cadre of consultants running Joe Biden’s Washington
  • EXPLAINED: How Joe Biden sold America’s intellectual property to communist China
  • UNCOVERED: The unreported and audacious reason the underwhelming, under-qualified, and unpopular Kamala Harris was chosen to be vice president [after she slept her way to the top by having sex with SF Mayor Willie Brown].
  • REVEALED: All the ways the Bidens make cash off of the Biden family name [and it hasn't just been Hunter Biden milking corruption money in Ukraine].
If you like Biden exposed, you'll like this book
The New York Times bestselling author of the “must-read” (Sean Hannity) Breaking the News and editor-in-chief of Breitbart News Network returns with this timely book. Breaking Biden + AUDIO

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