Thursday, November 23, 2023

Fmr UK MP George Galloway: Israel is lying

Danielle Greyman-Kennard, The Jerusalem Post, 11/11/23; edited by Sheldon S., Ashley Wells, Seth Auberon, Wisdom Quarterly
I would never say something untrue...unless it helped Israel win its war against all Palestinians.

Former UK member of Parliament George Galloway posted on X (Nov. 10) that Israeli reports about the events of Oct. 7th are inaccurate and deceptive.

The post states that Hamas fighters (Al-Qassam Brigades) never committed rape, only one baby had been killed “by persons unknown,” and that anyone stating the contrary is a “war criminal” [by perpetuating disinformation, IDF atrocity propaganda, blood libel, and a mainstream media fiction the Israeli military was neither willing to back nor present evidence for].

How dare a British MP expose Israel's crimes
“The foul allegations of rape have been dropped by the Israeli government,” Galloway said. “The 40 beheaded babies has been downscaled to one dead baby, not beheaded, and killed by persons unknown.

“Two thirds of Israelis killed on October 7 were military personnel. The killers of the remaining third are definitely revealed to have been in part the Israeli Armed Forces themselves [either on purpose in accordance with their Hannibal Doctrine or by their cowardice of shooting everyone, including Israeli militants and noncombatants when they finally arrived to fight those there as self-proclaimed martyrs].

Our former British colonial project in Palestine was handed over to other Europeans: Zionists. Former MP Galloway tweeted (X) that Israeli atrocity propaganda is atrocious (Reuters).
Those with influence who spread propaganda to the contrary stand exposed as War Criminals and now much blood stains their character for ever. It is a spot which will not out. #Gaza_War #GazaCeasefire #GazaHolocaust #GazaHospital.”

That's where they plan to kill all Jews. - Really?
Testimonies from the survivors and recordings taken from Hamas have proven [because as we all know what someone says someone else said, particularly a biased party engaged in atrocity propaganda and attempting to sway the media, is "proof" that the testimony is true] the allegations said to have occurred during Hamas’s October 7 attack of land stolen by Israel on the edge of Gaza's prison walls.

The Israel Police’s Lahav 433 National Crime Unit [claims it collected unbiased testimony that it has not at all manipulated or presented for the sake of deceiving the media], The Jerusalem Post reported.

Gal Gadot has no pro-Israeli bias, right?
Additionally, as we reported, US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken [who is a well-known expert on computer images and an honest American politician with no pro-Israeli bias] confirmed that the images [the IDF propagandists showed him claiming they were] of babies being burnt and decapitated were authentic [because Blinken is qualified to make such assessments and can be relied on not to be siding with Israel? No, of course not. Blinken neither would know what is authentic or not nor could he be relied on to accurately communicate the truth]. More

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