Thursday, November 23, 2023

Foolish beauty vs. Hamas spokesman (video)

Hamas Spokesman Basem Naim, Laura Jayes, Sky News Australia, 11/23/23; Ashley Wells, Sheldon S., Pfc. Sandoval, Seth Auberon (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly COMMENTARY

Sky News host blasts foolishly Hamas leader for ‘completely untrue’ claims in ignorant clash
(Sky News Australia) Sky News Host Laura Jayes has blasted Hamas’s Head of International Relations Basem Naim over the political group’s alleged treatment of [complicit] civilians and its attempt to say that it was reacting to Israel's years of oppression for the October 7 reaction.

Ms. Jayes called out the Hamas leader for putting civilians’ lives at risk by building tunnels and a command-and-control center under Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza, when by Israel's own admission it has so far utterly failed to show after seizing and shutting down the hospital to search it.

The pair broke out in an argument after Mr. Naim pointed out that the Sky News host was “misinformed” as he claimed that the IDF has produced no proof of a hospital command center.
  • [The ludicrous and incomprehensible presentation of Israeli/IDF propaganda that Hamas was keeping a few guns next to an MRI machine, when one cannot so much as wear a ring near one because of the powerful magnets' effect on metal, to saying nothing of guns and ammunition would be disastrous and, if present, would not be tantamount to a maze of sophisticated tunnels or a command-and-control center as Israel has repeatedly claimed to the world and even produced a debunked animated fiction of what this "Hamas Headquarters" must look like.]
“There is (sic) Western journalists who have gone into Gaza with the IDF, and they have seen these tunnels, these weapons, these storage of munitions with their own eyes,” Ms. Jayes tries to argue.

“I don’t know what other proof we can get.”

The Hamas spokesman went on to claim that the IDF was responsible for the deaths of many Israeli and Palestinian civilians on October 7, citing the Israeli press as the factual basis for his assertions.

“That is completely untrue,” Ms. Jayes ignorantly tried to argue, not bothering to check the Israeli press Mr. Naim was citing.

[When a person being interviewed by the Western media is sitting with a biased and uninformed interviewer, what should he do? He can only present the facts and hope she and her staff will go have a look and apologize for their errors. But that Sky News should apologize or present fair and unbiased news, sadly, that is not to be expected. They are here to promote and cover for Israel, not present news.]

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Hamas Spokesman Basem Naim, head of international relations, reads the Israeli news to very attractive uninformed Sky News mouthpiece. Rather than read the translated Hebrew news out of Israel (from Haaretz, etc.), she foolishly calls Naim's facts something approaching "conspiracy theories." Yes, Israel (through its militant arm the IDF) killed Israelis, not "by accident" but in keeping with Israel's "Hannibal Doctrine," which states that an Israeli citizen or soldier is better to the state by being dead rather than taken captive and exchanged for Palestinian hostages and political prisoners taken and held, sometimes indefinitely and without being charged with anything by the apartheid Israeli legal system, by Israel in contradiction to international law. It is difficult to believe a Muslim man who looks more like former PLO leader Arafat than a spokesperson when he is being contradicted by a polished beauty queen with a charming accent wearing a shimmering Christian cross in her ear, but he is correct and she is in error and has not kept up with the facts on the ground. What Mr. Naim is saying is demonstrably true: this is what the Israeli press has concluded, not what Mr. Naim is merely claiming to be the case. He is tolerant of her ignorance, but she is not willing to accept a word of his facts by going to factcheck him, relying only on the pro-Israel bias of Israeli papers and Australian and U.S. mainstream coverage of those papers. There really is a Hannibal Doctrine that the IDF is following. Moreover, the IDF's cowardice on Oct. 7th was evident when they arrived late to the battle and simply began to shoot and bomb anything and anyone, including Israelis, that moved. Fact. It's sad that that's what "the most moral army in the world" would choose to do, behave like state-sponsored terrorists, but that's what it did. Then it went further to prosecute a genocide in a blatant act of revenge. It has not hidden this fact but rather has bragged about it and attempted to justify it with atrocity propaganda, well-groomed spokespeople like Lt. Col. "John Con," and doctored audio and video creations. The purpose? To have the world debate these things while it pursues an agenda of ethnically cleansing Gaza, bombing refugee camps with American funding and weapons, and continuing to illegally occupy the West Bank.

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