Monday, May 6, 2024

Holocaust Remembrance protest: Auschwitz

The Germans tried to throw us out of Europe, but we're back, Baby, to reclaim our property.
We can stand for what's right even if these depressed people don't like us being here.
Outrage as pro-Palestine activists stage protest outside Auschwitz
From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free!
(Daily Mail) Viva, viva Palestina! Long live Palestine. No one will steal it because something was stolen from them.

Pro-Palestinian demonstrators of good conscience amassed near the grounds of the former Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp today, rolling out flags and hoisting balloons as groups gathered for the "March of the Living" in remembrance of the prisoners and victims of the Holocaust, many of the Jews but plenty of others such as political prisoners, gays, gypsies, dissidents, untouchables, criminals, intellectuals, and suspected enemies of the state. Police sirens wailed as protestors displayed banners at groups wearing Israeli flags along the sidelines of the event, which brings together thousands annually to observe Holocaust Remembrance Day in silence. More: Outrage as pro-Palestine activists stage protest outside Auschwitz

It used to be that we would say, "Never again" but we meant not to us again. We'll do it to someone else now that we have the weapons, funding, political backing, and biblical rationalizations of our God telling us to kill and exterminate our enemies.
Good Poles stand up for human rights to stop Israel (Wojtek Radwanski/AFP/Getty Images)
Stop killing in the name of Israel or Judaism!
(National Review) Participants demonstrate with Palestinian flags and a banner reading "Stop [Israel's] Genocide in Gaza" on the sidelines of the annual "March of The Living" at the Memorial and Museum Auschwitz-Birkenau on the site of the former Auschwitz concentration camp in Oswiecim, Poland, May 6, 2024.

Anti-genocide activists critical of Israeli war crimes on Monday (May 6, 2024) protested near Auschwitz, where thousands of Jewish individuals marched to commemorate Israel’s Holocaust Remembrance Day.

We'll exterminate them, push them into the sea!!
Activists waved Palestinian flags and held a banner that read “Stop the genocide in Gaza.” Protesters shouted “Free Palestine!” as Jews gathered in Poland to commemorate the day with the annual March of the Living — a two-mile walk from Auschwitz to Birkenau to honor the lives of the six million Jews murdered in the Holocaust.

This year, survivors of Hamas’s October 7 attack on Israel marched alongside thousands of other Jews [in a PR move meant to garner sympathy for the ongoing genocide of Israel's unwanted neighbors after mainly Ashkenazi (German) Jews decided Palestine actually belonged to them and they should actually be funded by the Rothschilds who paid for the Balfour Declaration that magically gave an occupied land to outsiders returning after centuries of absence with claims that they would steal or kill for the land if necessary, as is being done now].
  • Daily Mail; National Review; Shauna Schwartz, Pfc. Sandoval, Seth Auberon (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

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