Monday, May 6, 2024

Israel's WAR on Holocaust Remembrance Day

Outrage as pro-Palestine activists stage protest outside Auschwitz (
Sure, Prime Minister Benyamin "Bibi" Netanyahu is an SOB but he's our SOB (CIA)
We are not the Gestapo. I am not Hitler. This is Israel, the most moral genocide in the world.
Adolf was on meth. What's Bibi's excuse?
Israel's war crimes keep mounting. Never mind that it's Holocaust Remembrance Day. War criminal and Zionist Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu seems to have chosen today to launch a killing offensive, invading the safe city of Rafah, where Palestinians were driven, herded, starved, and now told to move again or be firebombed and/or shot to death by invading IDF troops struggling to ethnically cleanse the area of all non-Jews.
To advance its genocide, it has bombed schools, shut down all hospitals, lied to the media, murdered journalists, aid workers, and innocents, including executed under the Hannibal Doctrine on the first day of its counter aggression and ever since. Today's atrocity is the shutting down of any opposing view or perspective by making illegal the Qatari news agency Al Jazeera.

Secret weapons and public relations propaganda
Why AJ+? It is the only outlet in Israel that has correspondents embedded in Gaza. And the one thing a propaganda war and aerial bombardment in furtherance of a genocide cannot stand is the truth getting out. AJ had to be stopped to shore up the narrative the Mossad, IDF, Knesset, and PR firms working for the "State" of Israel want to promote after any given atrocity.
“Criminal act”: Israel bans Al Jazeera, the largest int’l news organization in Gaza, ahead of Israel's invasion of Rafah
(May 6, '24) GUEST: Managing Editor of Al Jazeera Mohamed Moawad (LINKS), Democracy Now!
Where are we on the Jewish question, men? - Yes.
As Israel's death toll in Gaza soars to more than 34,700 dead and more than 70,000 maimed, and countless more injured and traumatized, Zionist Jewish Israeli authorities have taken Al Jazeera off the air in Israel -- sending stormtroopers to destroy their offices and steal their equipment, ensuring their destruction and ability to report anything they see -- and ordered civilian Palestinians in eastern Rafah to be ethnically cleansed, forcibly relocated, and evacuated ahead of Israel's impending offensive in the region.

I am the dictator! The CIA installed me, not you!
“The Israeli government is trying to conceal what’s happening in Gaza and trying to intimidate Al Jazeera…[to] delegitimize the whole coverage,” says Al Jazeera’s Managing Editor Moawad, explaining this is “a strategy” to “try to make sure that the story doesn’t reach the world.”

Attack! Kill as many as you can. We'll be there
Over the past eight months, Al Jazeera has been one of the only international outlets with reporters on the ground inside Gaza during the extermination, where all its journalists have been targeted and at least three of its employees have been killed during Israel’s monthslong assault.

Israel has been threatening to ban Al Jazeera for “incitement” via “a series of intimidations” for months, culminating in “a criminal act,” says Moawad. He calls on the international community, including the U.S. government, to condemn Israel’s suppression of a free press. VIDEO“Criminal act”: Israel bans Al Jazeera ahead of its invasion of Rafah | Democracy Now!

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