Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Int'l Workers' Day rally, Hollywood (May 1)

White House at war all over the world, revolt in the streets and campuses, mass arrests: 2024
"Revolutionary spirit" is a goddess (devi), a warrior princess with breasts exposed (wiki).
Do women and girls have rights? Do they participate in the work force? Yes, two kinds of rights
International Workers' Day
May Day 2024 (
This day is also called May Day (May 1), depending on the country, celebrated mostly with parades, marches, barbecues.
The first Monday in May sometimes substitutes. It is related to Labor Day in some countries [1] and often referred to as May Day [2, 3]. It is a celebration of laborers (the proles in 1984) and the working classes. It is promoted by the international labor movement and occurs every year on the first of May [4, 5] or the first Monday in May [6, 7].

May Day is International Workers' Day
Traditionally, May 1 is the date of the European spring festival of "May Day." In 1889, the Marxist International Socialist Congress met in Paris and established the Second International as a successor to the earlier International Workingmen's Association. They adopted a resolution for a "great international demonstration" in support of working-class demands for the eight-hour day.

Are you worried, Bibi? - Nah, CIA protects me.
The date was chosen by the American Federation of Labor to commemorate a general strike in the United States, which had begun on May 1, 1886, and culminated in the Haymarket affair four days later.

The demonstration subsequently became an annual event [5]. The 1904 Sixth Conference of the Second International, called on "all Social Democratic Party organizations and trade unions of all countries to demonstrate energetically on the First of May for the legal establishment of the eight-hour day, for the class demands of the proletariat, and for universal peace." [8]. More

Does sex work count as labor? - Do you sweat?
Q: Should I celebrate? A: Look down at your collar. What color is it? Whatever color it is, yes, you should celebrate it. Our lives depend on the workers we exploit, underpay, and overwork. This movement merely tries to make things fairer for those who sweat and toil, while we sit at desks or behind registers collecting profits for the bosses, exploiters, and owners of the means of production (the capitalists). While we all imagine we will be rich, there is still reason to support labor, the foundation of any society. If we were to only consume, we would soon starve. A society must produce, and that production is brought about with labor (until the capitalists bring in the functional robots to replace the laborers). Is it any wonder Luddites in San Francisco are beating driverless cabs stealing food from their mouths?

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