Monday, June 10, 2024

Hitler bad, Jews good, Bayer Big Pharma

I think Bibi is doing good work. - Genocide?
Revolutionary communist frontman Bob Avakian, a leader for a past generation though probably not a new one, said an amazing thing recently. At least his quote was only seen recently near the UCLA pro-Palestinian encampment against genocide.

"Palestine has managed to do the impossible, to make Israel more Nazi than Nazi Germany" or something to that effect.

We don't need Gantz to prosecute this holy war!
CIA-groomed PM Bibi Netanyahu seems more Draconian, more murderous, more ambitious than the leader of Germany at that time got (though is reputation for badness is to the nth degree with no one to compare him to other than that red horned guy).

Big Pharma committed horrors during WWII that it has continued and made worse. He found funding, cut deals with Western powers, get weapons shipments, makes weapons in great numbers and sells them around the world, particularly to India under PM Modi, who will not stand for Indians to say a word against his pet weapons supplier.

Jewish protesters condemn Israel (Tel Aviv U)
College students around the world have awakened, particularly the good Jewish learners at Israel's Tel Aviv University, secular college Jews against genocide. Like 90% of that self-appointed "state" (without a constitution or a sufficient population of Jews to make it worthwhile to establish statehood), against the current right wing government's war machine.

They are standing against the Zionism that feeds this murderous rampage, taking the form of ethnic cleansing, war crimes, atrocities, and crimes against humanity.

Does Netanyahu listen to their protests? Why should he? He's in power as long as he does not listen to them and only to his War Cabinet, now minus one, Benny Gantz, the only moderate voice. So much for Genocide Joe's claims of being able to rein in CIA Bibi.

Protests of VP Kamala on both sides of Bay
(KPIX | CBS NEWS BAY AREA) June 5, 2024: Kenny Choi reports on vocal activists holding peaceful protests at a pair of campaign fundraising events attended by VP Kamala Harris in Oakland (next to Berkeley) and San Francisco. More:
  • Joe Rogan Experience; KPIX (CBS News Bay Area); Ampersand (YouTube video); Shauna Schwartz, Pfc. Sandoval, Ashley Wells, Sheldon S. (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly COMMENTARY

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