Monday, June 10, 2024

Why do only 2% of people have green eyes?

The green eyes of Afghanistan were made famous by Afghan Girl Sharbat Gula
Green eyed Pashtun girl from Afghanistan, the Buddha's birthplace (ancient Gandhara)

What's the origin and reason for green eyes?

  • 0:00 Green Eyes
  • 1:11 The Green-Eyed People of China
  • 1:43 Genetics and Origins of Green Eyes
  • 6:22 Reason for Green Eyes
How to get green eyes greener: Makeup?
When and where did green eyes first develop and for what reason? Now green eyes are the rarest eye color, with only 2% of the entire world’s population having them.

As a general breakdown of eye color worldwide: Brown eyes: 70 to 80% Blue eyes: 8 to 10% Hazel eyes: 5% Amber eyes: 5% Gray eyes: 3% Green eyes: 2%.

People of European descent represent the largest share of those with green eyes -- but green eyes are not exclusive to them [seeming to originate in ET races and arising in hybrid human races] -- and they are most common in northern, western, and central Europe, more specifically, Ireland, Scotland, and other parts of northern Europe have the highest share of people with green eyes.
She was an innocent Afghan girl, 1984
Iceland is one, with around 8–10% of men and 18–21% of women having them, and in the Netherlands, 6% of men and 17% of women have green eyes.

In Europe more broadly, they're found in around 8 percent of the population. Among European Americans, green eyes are most common among those of Celtic and Germanic ancestry, at about 16%.

Even though they’re most common in Europe, people with green eyes can be found all over the world, even as far as remote parts of China. Liqian, a remote village in Western China, is known for its high percentage of people with green eyes and blond hair.
Yuezhi descended people, Liqian, China (
One myth suggests they’re descended from Roman soldiers who got lost in China, but this is unproven. DNA results from 2010 that analyzed these villagers did indicate that they are almost two thirds of Caucasian origin [ignoring a potential ET connection], potentially lending support to this mundane Roman theory, but it’s still debated.
  • How to classify Yuezhi descended people of Liqian village, China? Are they "white" if they look it? Liqian is a small region in Gansu province in China where many locals have striking European features. Some locals have been told that they are descendants of a "lost Roman legion." They have tried to build a tourist industry around their looks, but their genetics more strongly supports ancestry from Scythians, Tocharians, or other Steppe Indo-European groups. They also have very hawk-like aquiline noses (
Now what causes green eyes? Initially, scientists used to believe that eye color in general was decided by two genes — one from each parent. Now they know as many as 16 genes influence the amount of melanin produced by the iris, with the OCA2 and HERC2 genes heavily involved in eye color.

Melanin absorbs light, so irises with high amounts of melanin appear darker. These genes however interact in complex ways, and science is still trying to fully work out how this all works.

Stress ruins: Man on right is Sharbat Gula now.
Sources: Vision Centre: Green Eyes (Pictures, Genetics & Facts) ( Keyser, C., Bouakaze, C., Crubézy, E. et al. Ancient DNA provides new insights into the history of south Siberian Kurgan people. Hum Genet 126, 395–410 (2009). Eye color - Wikipedia Why Green Eyes Are 'Actually Really Rare', According To Experts ( Ulivi S, Mezzavilla M, Gasparini P. Genetics of eye colours in different rural populations on the Silk Road. Eur J Hum Genet. 2013 Nov;21(11):1320-3. doi: 10.1038/ejhg.2013.41. Epub 2013 Mar 13. PMID: 23486544; PMCID: PMC3798846. Most Attractive Eye Color | 1-800 Contacts ( Green Eyes: The Most Attractive Eye Color? ( DNA tests show Chinese villagers with green eyes could be descendants of lost Roman legion | Daily Mail Online Genetic tests may prove theory of China's lost Roman legion - Melanin Rayleigh scattering - Wikipedia Iris (anatomy) - Wikipedia Silk Road - Wikipedia Creative Commons Imagery: JCS File:Goldene Kamera 2012 - Scarlett Johansson 3.JPG - Wikimedia Commons Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license. CC BY 3.0 Deed | Attribution 3.0 Unported | Creative Commons Velivieras File:Eye colors map of Europe.png - Wikimedia Commons Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license. CC BY-SA 4.0 Deed | Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International | Creative Commons

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