Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Israeli's Zionist Jews murder undercount

Israel is killing civilians on purpose, and this is what people can't believe

"Horrifying undercount": Ralph Nader says true Gaza death toll many times higher
IDF war criminals
(Democracy Now!) Sept. 10, 2024: The Lancet says the number could be 186,000 or higher, roughly 8% of Gaza's population slaughtered. Former U.S. presidential candidate and celebrated consumer advocate Ralph Nader discusses Israel's War on Gaza, the presidential election, and more. Nader's latest article, "Exposing the Gaza Death Undercount," can be read in the Capitol Hill Citizen, which he founded. The official death toll in Gaza has been suspended at around 40,000 for months, as Israel's devastation of the territory makes it increasingly difficult to properly recover and identify the dead. Nader says that the true cost in Palestinian lives could already be "well over 300,000," and that "if the true count was known, it would devastate the mythology that the Biden administration and Congress are furthering, that the Israeli government does not purposely target civilian populations." No one wants an accurate count because it would shame Israel for its slaughter, and HAMAS would be shamed for failing to protect the population. Even peace groups seem asleep, not wishing to show how much Netanyahu and Israel are getting away with.

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