Monday, September 9, 2024

Anti-Zionist, anti-genocide Jews (video)

Conversations with an Anti-Zionist Jew: Haim Bresheeth
(IHRCtv) Feb. 13, 2024: In this extended conversation, Prof. Haim Bresheeth-Zabner speaks about his Jewish family history and unique upbringing, reimagining the Middle East beyond Israeli apartheid, racist/Islamophobic settler colonialism, and Western hegemony. Prof. Haim is a teacher at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) in London. An former Israeli Jew and ardent anti-Zionist, his most recent book is titled An Army Like No Other: How the Israeli Defence Force Made a Nation.

Guest on 9/9/24: Professor Haim Bresheeth-Zabner in London's School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) in film studies. He is Jewish, a scholar, and a MAJOR critic of Israel as the author of An Army Like No Other: How the Israeli Defense Force Made a Nation.
Few Jews dare to even dream of refusing the IDF
He wanted to be a "Refusik" and avoid joining and killing for Zionist Jewish genocide to build a settler colonial project in Palestine and call it "Israel," but he could not. He bitterly regrets it that he was not strong enough as a very young man, when he was forcibly inducted into Israel's killing machine, which he reckons was worse than the Nazi war machine the Jews survived in Germany. Many Jews had money back there but were not free to take it with them if they wanted to leave Germany. However, they were allowed to take it to one place in the world: Palestine. Were Nazis behind fashioning a genocide against Palestinians or "Arabs" as Jews hatefully dubbed them?

The stench of Israel's hypocrisy in dubbing its genocidal killing force, the IDF, the "most moral army in the world" became too much, necessitating this book, proving what racist, Zionist, white supremacist Israelis are, valuing their blood over all others all out of proportion to anything seen before in the history of war crimes.
An Army Like No Other: How the Israel Defense Forces Made a Nation
Prof. Haim Bresheeth-Zabner
has 3.8 out of 5 stars with 21 ratings. This history of the IDF argues that Israel is a nation formed by its genocidal army.

A [Criminal] Army Like No Other: How Israel
The Israeli army, euphemistically dubbed the "Israel Defence Forces" (IDF), was established in 1948 by David Ben-Gurion, Israel's first prime minister, who believed that "the whole nation is the army."

In his mind, the IDF was to be an army like no other. It was to be an instrument of might that might transform a diverse population into a new people.

Since the foundation of Israel, the IDF has been the richest, largest, and most influential institution in Zionist Israel's Jewish society, its settler colonial project to eject the indigenous people, paint themselves as the indigenous population returning from a short absence.

The IDF is the nursery of its social, economic, and political ruling class. In this fascinating history, Prof. Bresheeth charts the evolution of the IDF from the "Catastrophe" (Nakba), the persecution, ejection, and genocide of native Palestinians, to the continued assaults on Gaza.

(Corey Gil-Shuster) Religious anti-Zionist Jews: Whose land is this?
Posted June 8, 2024. Filmed before Israel's October 2023 war.

It shows that the state of Israel was formed out of war. He also gives an account of his own experiences as a young conscript during the 1967 War.

He argues that this army is embedded in all aspects of daily life and identity and that we should not merely see it as a fighting force enjoying a world-class reputation. It is the central ideological, political, and financial institution of Israeli society. Killing is its ambition.

As a consequence, everyone has to reconsider assumptions about what any kind of peace might look like.
  • Guest Prof. Bresheeth, Host Mitch Jeserich, Letters & Politics,, Berkeley; Shauna Schwartz, Sheldon S., Pfc. Sandoval, Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

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