Thursday, September 19, 2024

White Tibetan monastics Los Angeles (10/5)

There's an amusing anti-Dalai Lama sect of Buddhism in Los Angeles. It seems impossible. Could anyone not love the puppy eyes and playful laugh of the Laughing Monk, the 14th Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso?

Yes, lots. The New Kadampa Tradition (NKT) movement is not mad at him lately from the States. It's mad at him from old Tibet and it's been going on a while. See the Dorje Shugden controversy.

As the "pope" of at least one sect of Vajrayana Buddhism, the Dalai Lama has incurred the anger of the other colored hats in Tibet/China. The Dalai Lama blames them for worship of an entity, the result of which was invasion by China and the loss of His throne as "pope-king," the spiritual and temporal leader of the massive former Tibetan Empire (the land area of which amounts to 25% of modern China).

What they do is very bad. Suck my tongue, Boy.
The NKT founder, His Holiness Kelsang Gyatso (1931-2022), was a nice monk we got to see, whom followers are sure was fully enlightened and for decades never got angry. They deny anything they did or anything (Dorje Shugden) they worshiped brought on the Chinese onslaught and loss of Tibet as a sovereign nation.

The NKT used to have a nice nunnery/monastery near Dodger Stadium, which is in Chavez Ravine to the west of DTLA, close to Glassell Park. They have their main center in Hollywood on Franklin. But there may now be a satellite temple in Pasadena, Santa Monica, and Catalina Island.
  • One criticism we have of this feelgood sect (possible "cult") in Los Angeles is its capitalist (spiritual materialism) inclination with its tendency to angle its message as if spirituality were an ordinary Western consumer item to buy.
NKT's new Occidental (white) leader is going to give a talk at A Noise Within Playhouse ("Peace is Possible," a public talk with Buddhist monk Gen Rigpa Kelsang on Oct. 5, 2024) on the eastern edge of Pasadena on Foothill, next to the 10 Freeway.
"Peace is Possible," Oct. 5, 2024

Each one of us has the potential to experience true peace, happiness, and fulfillment in our life. Yet, in a world of distraction and stimulation, societal chaos and conflict, many people are struggling with their mental health and feel spiritually lost, without purpose or meaning.

In this inspiring talk, Gen Rigpa will share practical tools for generating peace, both within our own hearts and also as a contribution to peace in society at large. Everyone is welcome. Learn:
  • The true causes of inner peace
  • How to create both inner and outer peace
  • Why meditation is good for everyone.
Ticket Prices: Zone 1- $35 ($28 through Sept. 25th) | Zone 2 & 3- $25 ($20 through Sept. 25th). Special 20% discount extended through Sept. 25th! See seating chart below for zone details. Seating assigned within zone in order of purchase. Seat will be assigned after registration. To sit next to someone, please inform at time of purchase. Each ticket includes free admission to the new Monday night Pasadena Meditation Class on Oct. 14th at the Neighborhood Unitarian Universalist Church in Pasadena. Peace is Possible - Public Talk
  • NKT monk Gen Rigpa Kelsan (; CC Liu, Ananda (Dharma Buddhist Meditation), Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

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