Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Ancient Aliens: Where ETs live on Earth

Ancient Aliens: Secret extraterrestrial enclaves revealed
(Jetsons) When Earthling humans are genetically hybridized with Pleiadeans, we too can be Germany

Galactic Federations Councils (Dr. M. Salla)
(HISTORY) Could there really be hidden extraterrestrial (space alien) bases at these landmarks? [Could ETs be going about their business inside mountains, under the sea, in Agartha (the hollow earth realm entered at the poles), in Aztlan, Atlantis, on remote islands like Rapa Nui, or along Bimini Road?]
  • Evidence of ETs here with fleet of UFOs to help humans during cataclysm: Dr. Michael Salla on coasttocoastam.com tonight, 9/17/24 from 10:00 pm to 5:00 am.
See more in this compilation from Season 20, Episode 3, "The Top Ten Hidden Alien Bases." Watch favorite episodes of Ancient Aliens on The HISTORY Channel website at history.com/schedule

US gov't is well aware of ETs and UFOs

Ancient Aliens: The government's secret UFO knowledge
Space Force: Our Star Trek Future (Book 6 in series)
(HISTORY) Governments [since at least the time of ancient India] are openly investigating UFO and extraterrestrial sightings.

[Countries like England and Canada have already made public UFO disclosures, as have Israel and European nations, but that is downplayed and kept out of the mainstream US media.]

US Navy's Secret Space Program
What about the Dark Pyramid of Alaska, the massive expanses of unknown Antarctica and New Swabia (Nazi Germany's Neuschwabenland), the unmapped continents or dipas. This planet, we are told in Buddhist and Hindu cosmologies, is not how we are told it is in Western propaganda-science with its hegemony (power to influence and shut down every other view).

Adm. Byrd knew: Antarctica's Hidden History
The moon makes its own light, and that light is not a reflection of the sun.  Across the plane of this massive platform, there are concentric circles. We live in one of those, separated from the others and their inhabitants. Each of these circular worlds has its own sun and moon.

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