Monday, September 9, 2024

National Mushroom Month (September)

Cosmic Buddha iconography, like that of Christ, has embedded mushroom symbols.

Junior mycologist Justina, LAMS Wild Mushroom Fair (WQ)
What did Buddhists know about entheogenic mushrooms in soma to place one atop a stupa?

Royal parasol? UFO symbol? Mushroom?
Teacher of Dr. Ammon Hillman: Dr. Carl Ruck
Mushrooms Demystified (David Arora)
There's altogether too much mycophobia (fear of mushrooms). The majority are harmless.
A minority are psychoactive and make them sought out medicines for the mind.
Sumerian, Akkadian, Jewish, Christian creation myth of an Edenic garden with a fruiting body
Mama, may I? - Liebchen, what is it? - The fruit of the knowledge of good and evil.

National Mushroom Month
I wasn't even interested in shrooms until I found my first patch in a magical fairy ring.
All through September, National Mushroom Month celebrates the wide variety of mushrooms available. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) also takes advantage of the opportunity to educate people on the versatility culinary mushrooms offer, including many health benefits.

As a result, mushrooms (and mycelia) are gaining more and more appreciation as we learn more about them.

The new soma? (
To fully celebrate the heritage of "mushrooms" (the fruiting bodies of fungi), we must first learn about the Mushroom Capital of the World.

Located just outside Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, there is a small town known as Kennett Square.

Surprisingly, this small Pennsylvanian town produces over a million pounds of mushrooms a day. Each year Kennett Square holds the annual Mushroom Festival starting with a parade.

Visitors also enjoy tours of mushroom farms or visit vendors to buy food and other goods. Source:

Who cares about mushrooms?

Religion is onto the power of entheogens
The future is fungal -- edible mycelium for "meat" like textures and nutrition from the ground. Already flavorful and full of umami (savory), with the addition of plant-based heme, there will be vegan burgers for everyone because of the astounding growth rates of mycelia (the root-like system that forms the basis of mushrooms. 

Mycelia: These tiny filaments and fibrous projections enervate plant matter and make rich soil.
Vatican scholar J.M. Allegro
Mycelium runs through the ground in billion-mile-long fibers deriving nutrients from the breakdown of plant and other matter in the soil. Mushrooms are environmental remediators.

Shamans knew their power, witches ("wise ones"), Christian mystics, monks, and priests (including the founder of Christianity, who experimented with many "drugs," according to Ancient Greek classicist Dr. Ammon Hillman).

Witches' brew? Entheogenic potions to see the spirits like shamans are able to do?
A magic power of mushrooms is on our brains as psychedelics, but a stranger power is what cordyceps do to caterpillars: parasitic mind control, guided behavior (Ron Teeguarden).
Bigfoot growls on a mushroom hunt, Illinois

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