Thursday, September 5, 2024

At the Nude Beach, Robes for Ascetics

Independence Beach: Celebrating our American freedom from swimsuits

You only live many times (Ariana Viera)
(Wonderhussy Adventures) Welcome to Wonderhussy Adventure #809. Date: July 2, 2024, pre-Independence Day, spending the Fourth of July at Wonderhussy's favorite clothing optional beach, celebrating our independence from bathing suits. Website: Wonderhussy.comSupport: wonderhussy. Help fuel next trip:,$Wonderhussy.

They've taken away parking to keep crowds out!
Buy her dinner: Bitcoin link: 3H4kzyPxMEwNGNgntSpCQGDEj6xMADUUYC Merch: https://wonderhussy-merchandise.myspr... 
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CREDITS: Theme song by Michael Saint-Leon Fluffing a Duck by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. Cattails - Thatched Villagers by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.
Why didn't Buddhist ascetics go naked like Jains and yogis?
Jainism has two sects, white-clad and sky-clad, whereas Buddhism has saffron robes for all.
Ah, nudity is great. - What about white robes?
It was hot in proto-India in the Buddha's time. Pointing the way to freedom and final liberation or moksha was as free as the deer, wandering where they list in search of (alms) food. But there were obstacles. The Awakened One, the Buddha, had freed himself. Now it was time to make known the Path to Freedom, the Dharma. But how long would that knowledge last in the world? It had gone out before and was sure to dim again.

We shramanas existed long before the Buddha
He realized he needed a spiritual community of successful practitioners, a Noble Sangha, where "noble" means "enlightened" (Ayran) and Sangha means "spiritual community." There are various stages of enlightenment, from four kinds of stream entry to arhatship. They are detailed in the Path to Freedom and condensed in the Path of Purification. This Sangha would have them all.

To keep it going and to preserve the Teachings, the Buddha laid down rules in a Disciplinary Code (Vinaya Pitaka), with explanations for why each rule was instituted. The monastics recited about 227 core rules, the Patimokkha ("Path to Liberation"), each fortnight. If followed, they would ensure the long life of Buddhism (the Dharma), enlightened beings on earth (a Noble Sangha), and inspire confidence in new practitioners.

The Guru is naked (Jainism)
How was it going to look if monks and nuns went around naked? It was not unheard of. The Jains led by contemporary teacher Mahavira ("Great Hero"), the Nigantha Nattaputta, had already accepted females into the monastic community. That was a first. The Buddha always intended to, as he knew that his Sangha would not be complete until there were the four kinds of people (male and female monastics and laypersons).
  • This whole business about extra rules for nuns or not wanting to accept women is very suspect and seems more a conspiracy by male monastics to keep their all-boys club or wrest control of it from any kind of actual democracy. The Buddha had set up the first democratic rules, pre-Greece for its governance. See the scholarship of Ayya Tathaloka for evidence in the Bhikkhuni Vinaya of the later appearance of the garudhammas or "eight additional rules" and their unlikely back story.
Naked Mahavira: We don't need Five Requisites
The Buddha explained exactly why he allowed Five Requisites for Buddhist wandering ascetics -- robes of stitched cast-off garments, ceramic bowl, allowable medicines, shaving razor, needle and thread -- and the kinds of accommodations they were permitted. Rather than hairy, disheveled, wild men and women wandering around the hillsides naked and covered in ashes, he foresaw a better way, the perfection of the "pure life" of blamelessness for intensive practitioners wishing to make a quick end of all suffering.

Nude is not all it's cracked up to be, but the view
at night in the Sierra Nevada, it's awe inspiring!
Nirvana was here. And now a means of enlightenment and attainment of the bliss of nirvana had arrived with the Buddha. Many made use of it and so, even today, the world has arhats and those on the path to full enlightenment. And Buddhism became the first universal missionary religion spreading far and wide, outside the subcontinent into neighboring countries and lands. The rules made that possible. Hooray for the Monastic Disciplinary Code (Vinaya). And people, if they want, they can go about naked.
  • Wonderhussy Adventure #809, Summer 2024, Ananda (Dharma Buddhist Meditation); Dhr. Seven, Amber Larson, Pat Macpherson (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

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