Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Bashur, what did Jess and Sid know?

When is He coming? I've been waiting a long time, and He seems late. It's like "Waiting for Godot" down here, Bashur. What could possibly be holding Him up?

  • It is unclear who or why certain Bashur material was pulled off YouTube. We did not pull it. Until it returns, there is more. Above are two replacement videos until more psychic material about Jesus (Jess) and the Buddha (Sid) surfaces.

Channel Darryl Anka puts on a show, or is a spirit entity/counsel/collective calling itself "Bashar" running through a channel named Darryl? Possessing, stepping into, entering, it must be that the energies and personality traits of one mix with the other. Or why would Bashar have such a funny way of saying "HI!" like an ET imperfectly with human ways? None of that matters. What does matter is what he's saying. Is it true, is it useful, is it of benefit to humanity? If nothing else, it sure is a lot like the kind of stuff Abraham and Seth and these disembodied teachers (probably a lot of them from biblical and Sumerian, Akkadian, Persian times, too). At least Bashar has a sense of humor and while sounding jerky is not actually a jerk.

Bashar reveals: Why our soulmate hasn’t arrived yet? (Bashar Channeled by Darryl Anka)
(Path of Knowledge) Oct. 8, 2024: Explore more deep spiritual insights and exclusive content on Gaia. Start a journey with a 7-day FREE TRIAL here: https://www.gaia.com/invite/join?utm_... Subscribe for more. @pathofknowledge111.

In this video Bashar, channeled by Darryl Anka, uncovers why our soulmate hasn't appeared yet. It's not about time but timing. Bashar explains how our focus on time and waiting can block the natural flow of reality. Discover how to embrace the present moment, trust in the organizing principle of synchronicity, and follow your passion to align with the perfect timing of life's events. Learn to appreciate every experience, even those you don't prefer, as essential steps in your journey to finding true love. Stop waiting and start living in the now! Enjoyed the video? Hit 'Like' and subscribe for more transformative content! It costs nothing to you and means a lot to us.

DISCLAIMER: I am not affiliated with the official Bashar organization of Darryl Anka and Bashar Communications and the statements and opinions I (Path of Knowledge) express are my own interpretation of the information that has been shared by Bashar. The Bashar information is covered by copyright laws so if you'd like more information or materials, please visit their website at bashar.org. They appreciate your interest and excitement about exploring the Bashar information.

Fair Use Notice: This video contains content that is used under the fair use doctrine of the United States copyright law. This includes content that is transformative in nature, used for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, or research. All credit for the manifestation techniques discussed in this video goes to Bashar and his team. We do not claim ownership of any of the original ideas or teachings presented by Bashar. This video is intended to share and discuss Bashar's insights on manifestation for educational and informational purposes only.

For more information and original content, please visit Bashar's official channels and resources. Official website: bashar.org Instagram: basharchanneling. YouTube channel: basharchanneledbydarrylanka.

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