Tuesday, December 31, 2024

108 Sun Salutations: Yoga New Year (1/1)

What is a "Sun Salutation"? It is a series of linked postures demonstrated here in 13 stages:
Led by Yoga Ambassador Stella Han, MSW
Buddhism is all about mental cultivation or bhavana, right? Who needs the body?

The fact is the wandering ascetic Siddhartha realized this human body is not "in the way." Like happiness (sukha), it is the way. At least it can be.

The first instruction toward enlightenment is? Mindfulness of the body -- breathing, postures, and so on. It's all detailed in the Satipatthana Sutra.
What better way to move mindfully than the ancient Vedic rishi magic of "union" (yoga) with the breath (prana, spirit) and the All (advaita, our universal interconnectedness)?
Party first: New Year ceremony vegan potluck
The martial arts are martial, that is, related to war and fighting. Qigong and yoga are about peacefully moving energy in the body. Even a very fat, unhealthy, other-abled person could do yoga (e.g., Iyengar Yoga) or begin to move chi (qi, kyi, prana) for health and recovery.

Average Janes and Joes might even be to the point where the practice of saluting the sun (Surya Namaskar) is a good idea. We'll start the New Year doing just that:

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