Sunday, December 8, 2024

'Christspiracy' screening: see it now

  • Christspiracy is life-changing and mind altering! Wow, religion is both the best thing (as it was originally) and the worst thing (what greedy people have made of it):
Christspiracy | movie (
How would Jesus kill and butcher an animal, anal electrocution? Would he smite it, cut its neck with a blood-soaked knife as it gurgled and tried to scream? Use a stun gun first? Have a rabbi next to him to make sure the lamb baby he led to slaughter was killed all "kosher" like? (No, of course Jesus/Issa wouldn't do that kind of stuff! He was an ethical vegetarian. Hell-bound humans do that kind of stuff...and was it the greedy, fearful, deluded priests who led them to do it?)
Slaughterhouse (Lovis Corinth Im Schlachthaus)
Los Angeles Animal Save and Animal Alliance Network are holding a screening of the amazing breakthrough fill Christspiracy -- exposing the biggest coverup in 2,000 years of history. Joaquin Phoenix says it "exposes unforgiving truths."

What if the reason the world eats so much slaughtered meat (hundreds of billions of animals murdered a year) is the priests?

The Western spiritual tradition is founded on the qualities of kindness and compassion towards animals it ignores. Buddhists were not spared this madness: Most Buddhists today think it's okay to eat an animal that was not killed for them in specific (just in general, dead there in the market to and retroactively killed for them when they pay the butcher for having slaughtered and butchered it).

We love to kill, sacrifice, for our Lord.
Its titular head was all-kind, a-forgiving, and called on his followers to do the same. But the priests got greedy, from Judaism to Christian, ancient Greek paganism to ancient Hinduism, it was far more profitable to have people donate sacrificial animals to them, which they slaughtered (kosher, pareve, halal, etc.) in some "spiritual" way then sell them back to followers for feasts. Their gods demanded animal sacrifice. They made it holy and completely fine, as if unfeeling animals were fine to kill, like mowing down insentient blades of grass.

Even the grass is sentient. How much more the conscious, communicative animals all around us?
Please join LA Animal Save, Animal Alliance Network, and Plant Based Treaty for a FREE screening of CHRISTSPIRACY with Co-Director Kameron Waters at Au Lac Plant-based Restaurant on Sunday, Dec. 8th. Doors open at 5:00 pm. Film starts at 5:30 pm. Seating is first-come, first-served. Order delicious food and beverages from the menu. Bring friends! More:

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