Sunday, December 8, 2024

Ludwig van B. Mozart Vivaldi (guitar)

The Buddha's sister Sundari Nanda
Why kill (when you can overkill)? What's the fun of being a guitar heroine unless you can rub it in their face and say, "Hey, look, Men, you may think you're all that, but you can't hold a candle to girls. So step aside and let some ladies in the band already. It's a tale as old as Shakespeare's sister. Did Shakespeare have sister? We'd never know it! If she'd existed and had been more talented than he, we'd still never know it due to implicit bias and sexism ingrained in us. We're losing more than half the talent pool to discrimination. What females never arise to tower in virtuosity, mathematics, STEM in general, to say nothing of all the agonizing loss of creativity in better fields? Don't believe it? Just look at this:

Ludwig van Beethoven "Moonlight Sonata"
(Tina S) It was the summer of 2016 when Tina S decided it was time to record and show people. Ah, what might have been if her brother, Willy, hadn't told her to turn it down and then given her an atomic wedgie and smashed her guitar and sold the broken pieces for cigarettes to smoke with his friends in the backyard knowing that she was sensitive to the smoke and would have to get a better air filter? No, just kidding, little Shakespeare would never do that to his little sis.

Jasmine Star, we need a talent-and-beauty combo

Instagram: TikTok: spintwiceofficial. This version of "Moonlight Sonata (Third Movement)" by Beethoven was arranged for electric guitar by Dr. Viossy and played by guitar phenom and possible karmic child prodigy Tina S. It's the Best of Tina S (Sandris Jansons). Oct. 31, 2014: Here's a medley of Tina's best pieces. I'm amazed at Tina's technique. This girl will definitely make a great future [if only she can] keep on shredding!

Vivaldi's "Winter" (metal edition) Chris Joao, 12/18 written 300+ years ago

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