Sunday, February 23, 2025

Dear Abby, my dumb son's a 'Peter Pan'

I don't give a gosh darn whom you date or marry, but get a job to pay for it. Work, Son, commit.
I'll marry your son IF you buy us a house, Mom.
DEAR ABBY: I am blessed with two sons who live with me. They are in their mid-20s.

The younger one is an amazing young man. He’s strong, confident but not cocky, and happy. He’s in college, works part-time, and plays in a band, among other things. 

My older son is the opposite. Since he was 16, he’s had countless jobs and is (again) currently unemployed. He has been fired from every single job except one.
Dr. Jordan Peterson: The Peter Pan Syndrome* - Pan prefers kinky Tinkerbell to normal Wendy
    You, listen to your Momma, Boy! - *Laughter*
    He always has some excuse to blame others for his failings. He thinks he’s smarter than the rest of us, thinks he knows better, etc.

    I’ve tried to tell and show him the issue is with HIM, not his previous employers. He refuses to accept responsibility for anything wrong in his life.

    I love him, but he is driving me crazy. I want to help him but, honestly, I’m over it. I’ve reached the point where it’s difficult to be civil to him.

    The last time he was out of work lasted three months. When I gave him a “drop dead” date to find a job or I was kicking him out of the house, miraculously, he found one in the nick of time.

    But won't marriage solve all our problems, Kramer? - Seinfeld and Kramer grow old alone
    I'm a Buddist, MOM! - I wish! You're full of it - If you don't get off my back, I'm gonna base jump

    We are back at that point again. I hate to do it, but I need him to either straighten up or get out.

    No matter what I do, I’m the bad guy — for enabling him or for forcing him out. I would love some advice.

    • DEAR THE BOTH OF YA: C'mon, Mom, I have lots on my plate! Pot, porn, pervy dating adventures, my cellphone, chasing chicks, gambling and boozing with my buddies, craft beer sampling, hanging out, smoking the herbage, my retainers, school, um, lots of stuff. And shut the front door, Abby! Who's even writing your column for you?! Get off my back.

    You're a lazy bum, dumb!
    DEAR MOM: Your son is no longer a child. He needs to learn to stand on his own two feet. Give him another deadline to find a job or be out from under your roof.

    While he is employed, tell him you expect him to save enough money for a security deposit on a place to live.

    Do not expect him to like it or be grateful to you for having subsidized him as long as you have. The biggest favor you can give him now is a chance to grow up....
    Mom, I have Peter Pan Syndrome. Sorry

    • Seinfeld; Dear Abby via New York Post, Feb. 23, 2025; Jack Black, "Jeepers Creepers," "Slackers," "Gay Son/Grass Valley Greg," Mr. Show with Bob and David (HBO); Psychologist Dr. Jordan Peterson (analysis); Ashley Wells, Dhr. Seven, Shauna Schwartz, CC Liu (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

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