Saturday, February 22, 2025

Legal weed is full of poison: Grow it?

Smoke some weed in college instead of drinking.
Should anyone smoke CBD? Why does MA exist? What is abuse? Addiction medicine specialists like Dr. Drew Pinsky and Dr. Gabor Mate agree that when a substance begins to negative impact our lives and consequences of its use start piling up but we keep going, that's abuse. That's addiction, and calling cannabis "medicine" doesn't make a difference.

Factually! with Adam Conover
Pharmaceutical medicines can be as addictive and abused as anything from the "plant pharmacy" of natural substances. Now legal in many places, lots of Americans abuse marijuana. That's problematic, not only because it violates Buddhism's Five Precepts but because it's unskillful karma and it's poisoning them.

Legalization has not cleaned up pot but made the motive to include pesticides, fungicides, additives, and anything else that might make it more addictive, just as happened when "natural" Big Tobacco got their hands on the lowly tobacco plant. Neither nicotine in specific nor tobacco in general were very addictive until the industry got their hands on it, hired consultants, and began to add chemicals and sugars (used in curing) to it to make it highly addictive.

Pot is a plant that people plant in pots? Oh yeah.
Nicotine is a medicine. (Use patches of 7 mg or less for 6 days to resolve long-term Covid symptoms that have lingered, as Dr. Bryan Ardis advises). Before long, nicotine will be made illegal. It has to be because it is so valuable as a nutraceutical capable of undoing vaccine nanoparticles and other harmful adjuvants, excipients, and additives such as krait snake venoms, allegedly.


Clean hydroponics? Permaculture practices? Biodynamic farming? Indoor growroom or outdoor greenhouse? There are many ways one might take up home gardening to produce the flowering bud of Cannabis sativa or indica to use it as a natural medicine or revered entheogen.

Your legal weed is full of poison with investigative journalist Paige St. John
(Adam Conover) Feb. 19, 2025: Factually! Just because weed is legal doesn’t mean it’s safe.

Moving Beyond COVID-19 Lies (Dr. B. Ardis)
Despite its growing (profit-motive) legalization across the country, a lack of regulation has led to alarming levels of pesticides and chemicals in cannabis products — posing serious health risks.

This week, Adam Conover talks with Los Angeles Times investigative reporter Paige St. John about her recent findings on contaminated products being sold in fully legal dispensaries and what it means for consumers.

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