Monday, February 24, 2014

"Invisible Young" - White, homeless kids in USA

Seth Auberon, Dev, CC Liu, Wisdom Quarterly; Steven Keller (,; Pasadena Area Liberal Arts Center (PALAC), Throop UU Church
What I do is never shower: If I stink, I won't get raped. Hungry? Go to the dumpster; dive in.

SEATTLE, Washington, USA - Dumpsters are their cafeterias. Trash bins are their supply stores. If they're lucky they can find enough cardboard for some warmth and a temporary makeshift shelter. The homeless young in Seattle have found ways to survive.
I'm trying to get away from all this.
Documentarian Steven Keller has lived outside Seattle for over ten years. Like most Americans, however, he didn't really see homeless youths he encountered. They become invisible. When he did see them he asked, Why?

What did the system do to protect me?
Eighteen months later "Invisible Young" was completed. In it Keller answers the most compelling question of all, "How does a 13-year-old end up on the streets of a prosperous country?" In his film he focuses on the riveting stories of four youths who were homeless in Seattle, in the great Pacific Northwest of the USA. Synopsis
Can you spare some change for an all-American girl, mister?

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