Friday, October 10, 2014

Nobel Prize, March on Ferguson, Water (video)

Ashley Wells, CC Liu, Pfc. Sandoval, Amber Larson, Wisdom Quarterly; Amy Goodman, Juan Gonzalez (, 10-10-14);; Malala Yousafzai

Pakistani Education Activist Malala Yousafzai: youngest winner of Nobel Peace Prize
Ferguson October: Activists call for Nationwide Convergence to demand justice
Detroit faces "humanitarian crisis" as the city shuts off water access for thousands
"I am coming to the end of a long journey": Detroit activist Grace Lee Boggs in hospice
Renewed demonstrations over police killing unarmed teenager Michael Brown in St. Louis, Missouri, continued for a second night ahead of a national weekend of action in nearby Ferguson over the murder two months ago with still no indictment or charges being brought against the officer for brutality and excessive use of force under color of law.
Organizers have invited the Brown family to take part. Dr. Cornel West (formerly a professor at Stanford and Pacifica Radio personality) and actor Harry Belafonte are also among those expected to attend the events.

The event will include a mass march and a planned act of civil disobedience. They will join local activists who have been
  • calling for the arrest of police officer Darren Wilson, who murdered Mike Brown in cold blood;
  • for the appointment of a special prosecutor in the case; and
  • firing of Ferguson Police Chief Thomas Jackson.
Democracy Now! speaks with three of the organizers who have been involved in the protests since the beginning: Tef Poe, a St. Louis rapper and activist; Tory Russell, an organizer with Hands Up United; and Ashley Yates, of Millennial Activists United.
"The message that we’re sending to the system is that we’re not going to stop. We are resilient," Poe says. More
The Malala Fund: Education
Shahid reached out to the girl's father and organized a week-long camp for the girl and a handful of others, putting them in touch with women who could act as mentors.
The girl's name was Malala Yousafzai [a gentle 17-year-old women's activist who speaks so highly of the Buddha and other peace activists] -- and a little over... More
Homeowner Discovers Mountain Lion On Top Of His Car [VIDEO]
Video shows U.S. mountain lion climbing car parked in driveway (KGO TV)

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