Thursday, October 9, 2014

The Pagan Pride Festivals (video)

Gather 'round a secret glade and dance around in greenwood shade, beckons Lady Sheba
(Omnia) Dedication to the Bard, Edward DeVere's Macbeth, Act 4, Scene 1: "Wytches' Brew"

Pagan Pride Day Events
Pagan Pride Day (
California Pagans (Goddess devotees, Neopagans, Earth-lovers, Wiccans, Druids, Renaissance Pleasure Faire addicts, and mystics of all kinds) celebrated on Oct. 5th at a new location for the annual Pagan Pride festival: Rainbow Lagoon Park, Long Beach.

Being Pagans, we think it is our duty to practice religion and spirituality freely without prejudice and oppression from others. Pagans as a group are underrepresented in the atheistic-Catholic-Judeo-Christian U.S., but which nowadays seems mostly either hedonistic, guilty, or both. And more than that, Pagans are misunderstood.

Many Americans are disaffected with "traditional" religion and seek real spirituality.
Saturday, October 11, 2014
Sunday, October 12, 2014
The Wheel of the Year in the Northern Hemisphere. Pagans in the Southern Hemisphere advance these dates six months to coincide with their own seasons.
    Pagan Mabon celebration (
    However, we are a bigger group than most people would believe. By publicizing some practices, people outside of the Pagan community will begin to understand and eventually become more accepting.

    Pagan Pride Los Angeles, Inc. is an outgrowth of the International Pagan Pride Project (, a non-profit organization that sponsors annual Pagan Pride Day celebrations in cities around the world during every year between August and November.

    Paganism popular among UK youth (BBC)
    The goal is to promote understanding and tolerance of Pagans (or at least cut down on the Massachussetts' witch burnings Hawthorne was familiar with) within the general community. Each individual event is coordinated and executed by local residents of the region.
    PATH: 8-armed sun cross Pagan Year Wheel
    Pagan Pride Day is an event designed to give Pagans a place to gather, network, and celebrate the bounty of what we have in life. It is also a place to educate the general public about both what Paganism is and is not (e.g., it's not Satanism). We promote religious tolerance by building bridges of understanding between people.

    Where did "Pagan" come from, and why is there a Buddhist "Pagan" near Mandalay, Burma?
    Pagan Pride Los Angeles, Inc. was established as a separate non-profit corporation in August, 2000. It covers the entire Los Angeles and Orange County regions except for Antelope Valley. We are the LA/OC chapter of the International Pagan Pride Project and host events. Vendors/Performers can contact Workshops, rituals, authors can contact Volunteers can contact

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