Monday, April 11, 2016

Dating: HUNTING for Love (video)

Ziggy Win; TheWeek; Ashley Wells, Dhr. Seven, Crystal Quintero (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
"Ziggy" is the creation of the late Tom Wilson and Tom II (

Love is a fiction we tell ourselves. It begins in the womb when momma grows fond of muttering, "That d*mn man did this to me." I overheard and, even without syntax or grammar, understood her intention.

In America searching for love is a strange thing. The creator of lost his girlfriend...she found a better match on, yes, He considers it a triumph, as the site is meant to be very female-friendly.

Dating on each coast -- from the Great Lakes to the Keys in the Gulf, from the Jersey shore to Santa Monica and Half Moon Bay -- I ended up in the arms of a Latin-American Eurasian, who will one day produce the most beautiful babies -- blond locks on Tibetan faces.

(How To Be Single) Too smart for its own good. The smarts comes from the book it's based on, but it's dumbed down by Rebel Wilson and a very unattractive Dakota Johnson (hot in "50 Shades") who did a Felicity on her hair and ruined this venture.

The success of dating sites lies with women founder Gary Kremen says he designed the site with women in mind. He really knew his venture was a success when his own girlfriend left him for another man she met on Match.

"You have to design the whole system for women, not men," Kremen says. "Who cares what men think? So things like security and anonymity were important. And little things, like talking about body types, not pounds. Never ask a woman her weight."

What can we learn when love has gone online? answers with a quickie article on the issue.

People don't know what they want in a mate
The new algorithm, dubbed Synapse, has "taken the allure of online dating and amplified it," says David Gelles.
Instead of just running "a digital disco where it is easy to find lots of potential dates," Match now aspires to "get to know you, and what you want, better than you know yourself." And apparently that isn't too difficult.

A woman might say she only wants to date men in their 20s, but if she often clicks on 30-something males -- or even if users similar to her do -- Match figures she is open to older men.

"When we researched the data," says key Synapse developer Amarnath Thombre, it became clear that people's actions and their stated goals were "very different." Still, alack and alas...

Not everyone finds their love online
Despite the Synapse algorithm's notable success, "not even the most potent computers in the world, it seems, can engineer a panacea for lonely hearts," Gelles notes, or stem the disappointment that comes from meeting someone face to face who oversold him/herself online.

Plenty of Match love-seekers give up after one too many a bad date, or bad recommendations. "The Match algorithm should have figured out that I don't want a 45-year-old from New Jersey," says a 30-something professional woman from Manhattan. "Every time I log on I feel faintly insulted."

So what chance did Ziggy have? She's not Twiggy, but attractive, successful, independent, with a lot to offer. That's when she realized where she had been going wrong and how to fix it. Love is on the way. STAY TUNED

(Certify Funny) Amy Shumer, people assume she's shallow...because she's REALLY pretty. But honestly she doesn't care about her boyfriend's looks. His money is enough. Although she's thinking of getting some work him. More:,

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