Monday, April 11, 2016

Sneaking into Coachella (video)

Tak Kamihagi (video); Pat Macpherson, Seth Auberon, CC Liu, Dev, Wisdom Quarterly
Making it to Coachella city limits in the rustic deserts of SoCal (Natalie-Tasha Thompson)

The Coachella Music and Art Festival, which repeats over two weekends (April 16 and 23, 2016), is one of the most overblown and disappointing events of the why pay $300+ for it?

(T17) What real tickets look like (wristbands that need activation).

Some people sneak in, like this Rainbow Tribe of warriors -- Caucasian, Latino, and Asian: Chaz Klein, Andrew Rodriguez, and Tak Kamihagi make it behind the hallowed fences of a giant lawn used as a polo field in the heat of the Southern California desert with 80,000 or so paying attendees. They sneak into Coachella, which takes no special talent but just chutzpa, cojones, or ɡāo wán.

Drunk, peeing in public, and sleeping in a Prius all for one glorious weekend of heatstroke, trying to eat, dealing with sunburn, finding water, crashing in the cold, and trying to meet girls without a toothbrush or any other hygiene.

See how they do, see how much fun they pretend to have, see how good their Facebook pages look for being at the biggest show in April. Filmed in 2015. They will not try it again this year. And if they do, they promise to film it and put it up in our faces.

Coachella Music Festival Survival Tips
(Andreas Choice)
Do Lab Coachella 2015 by Watchara
When the Do LaB revealed Coachella 2016 lineup...yawn. (Ashlee Burke/LAMB)
(Anna Taught You) Boston to SF to LA to Coachella without sleep

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