Thursday, May 19, 2016

Trump Killing Tupac: History, Comedy (video)

Crisis of ineffective and occasionally murderous policing
W. Kamau Bell
W. Kamau Bell, CNN show host
(W. Kamau Bell, CNN) Summary: A federal grand jury indicted white SC police officer Michael Slager on charges of violating the civil rights of black citizen Walter Scott, a 50-year-old man pulled over in North Charleston by Slager for a broken tail light last April. After Slager pulled Scott over, Scott ran -- fearing arrest or being brutalized or killed -- because he was afraid of getting killed by a cop.

Officer Slager then shot eight bullets at Scott's back hitting him in the back five times, killing him, then attempted to set him up by placing a stun gun next to his corpse. It would have worked except a bystander filmed it. Irony is nowhere near deep enough a word for this. Michael Slager is being charged with a federal crime... Killer ex-NC cop indicted
Tear gas becomes the norm for schoolkids in [racist, Islamophobic] Paris
Big challenge for Sanders to get CA independents to vote
For Bernie Sanders to defeat Hillary Clinton in California’s June 7th Democratic presidential primary, he’ll need independents. New data suggest the campaign faces a big hurdle.
Rachel Maddow (MSNBC): GOP supports Trump

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