Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Will Bernie's followers back Clinton? (No)

Pat Macpherson, Ashley Wells, Wisdom Quarterly; AP.org via mail.com
Bernie is ready to endorse Hillary. But not all his supporters are prepared to give up the revolution. After holding out for concessions on the Democractic platform as he lobbied to push the party platform to the left, the senator is expected to cave in to her demand (AP).

About f-n time, a-hole. You'll pay for this.
Many Bernie Sanders fans at a Democratic meeting in Orlando over the weekend had clear reservations about casting a ballot for Hillary Clinton despite some major victories in the latest draft of the Democratic platform and big concerns about presumptive Republican nominee Trump.
"Personally, I don't think I will support Hillary. I don't trust her," said Lisa Friddle, 53, a nurse from Palm Bay, Florida. "I can't see backing someone I don't believe in."

Those sentiments were echoed by Xavier Gaud, 26, of Orlando, who said he would prefer that Sanders run as an independent. If Sanders isn't on the ballot, he said it was "more likely I will support Jill Stein," the leader of the minor Green Party.

Why is Dr. Jill Stein, M.D. running again as the Green Party candidate? (jill2016.com)
Clinton and Sanders [appeared today] at a high school in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, the leadoff primary state where Sanders trounced her last winter. In recent days, Clinton has announced new policies [she can change her mind on at any time, especially when she moves to the right to draw Republican votes away from her rival] on higher education and health care in a nod to Bernie's liberal campaign.

The party platform -- what Democrats say they're for in public, never mind what they actually vote for or promote -- also shows Sanders' influence, with a commitment to a $15 federal minimum wage and tougher language on climate change.
Tensions between the campaigns simmered throughout the platform meeting in a steamy hotel ballroom over two marathon days. Despite winning concessions on many issues, Sanders supporters booed angrily over losses, such as failing to get clear opposition to the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal. [Clinton loves the TPP and is backing it no matter what she promises.]
Near the meeting's end, Sanders backers angrily shouted down an effort to add Clinton's name to the document in a number of places, which they took as an implication that she was already the official nominee. More

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