Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Save the NEA! (Nat'l Endowment for the Arts)

Narric Rome (; CC Liu, Seth Auberon, Wisdom Quarterly
Consume music, movies, TV, book, poems? Protect our artists! (

To hell with art. Next. Next question!
Today, over 700 dedicated arts supporters from across the United States have come together in Washington, DC for the 30th annual Arts Advocacy Day: The National Arts Action Summit — the only national event that brings together a broad cross section of America's cultural and civic organizations.

These arts advocates represent a united effort to tell Capitol Hill how important the arts are to our communities, how much arts education means to our children, and how the arts improve our daily lives. Over 88 national cosponsoring organizations have helped us shape this united arts message to Congress.

This Arts Advocacy Day is particularly important with recent news that the Trump Administration’s proposed FY2018 budget shows eliminating funding for the National Endowment for the Arts and other federal cultural agencies. But, you don't need to be in DC to take action! More
  • Send a message to your Congressional delegation in support of the continued funding of the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA), the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS), and the Corporation for National and Community Services (Americorps), among other federal agencies.
  • Tell your local news that you support the arts with a customizable "Letter to the Editor."
  • Take part in our social media campaign, #ArtsAdvocacy, and share #SAVEtheNEA graphics through your social network channels.
  • Tune in to the Arts Advocacy Day 2017 event on Facebook for updates.
  • Visit the Arts Mobilization Center at any time for all the latest resources and responses.
  • Join the Arts Action Fund to take political action.

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