Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Taklamakan mummies: Euro DNA, China (video)

Dhr. Seven, Pat Macpherson, Wisdom Quarterly; John Bouchard; Kristina Killgrove (Forbes)

(Oliver Horn, ARTE France, France 5) The Mummies of Taklamakan desert in China, "the land of no return." These people are called Tocharians because of their language.

They are "Lost White Tribes" in Asia, Scythians (Shakyians of Afghanistan) or nomadic wanderers and peripatetic herders.
Caucasian mummies in China reflect a "March of the Titans" or tall white redheads and blondes perfectly preserved 3,000-year-old mummies unearthed in a remote location along the Silk Road.

This is an amazing investigation into the identity of well preserved human remains exhumed from desert sands of China´s Xinjian region. Some are as old as 4,000 years, and all are Caucasians. The Chinese civilization has always contained stories of blue-eyed and blonde-haired people at the edge of their walled empire on the western end in Central Asia.

DNA test: Chinese mummies are European
Kristina Killgrove (, 2015) DNA reveals red-haired Chinese mummies are Eurasian

The Beauty of Xiaohe (forbes)
In a nondescript Bronze Age cemetery first discovered by Swedish archaeologists in 1934 and rediscovered by the Xinjiang Archaeological Institute in 2000, researchers have found the oldest and best-preserved mummies in the Tarim Basin area of China.

Their skeletal remains, along with unprecedented artifacts, are helping solve the longstanding question of the origins of human settlement in a politically contested area of China.

Map of Eurasia shows location of the Xiaohe cemetery, Tarim Basin, ancient Silk Road routes and areas occupied by cultures associated with the settlement of the Tarim Basin (Li, et al. BMC Genetics 2015 16:78).
The Buddha was from Bamiyan, Central Asia
Contemporary occupants of the Tarim Basin, a geographical area in the Xinjiang Uyghur autonomous region of northwest China, are both biologically and culturally diverse.

The region borders numerous countries and was historically a part of the Silk Road trade route between the West and the East [where the Buddha, a Shakyian/Scythian, was born and raised]... More

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