Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Cambodia: "First They Killed My Father" (video)

Angelina Jolie, Luong Ung (Netflix); BBC; CC Liu, Ashley Well (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Cambodia: The Power of Memory
(Angelina Jolie Brasil) Almost 40 years after the Cambodian genocide by the CIA-backed Communist Khmer Rouge or "Red Khmer" regime, which cost more than two million innocent lives in the "killing fields," people are still struggling to come to terms with what happened.
A new film by Hollywood director Angelina Jolie and her Cambodian son Maddux, with an entirely Cambodian cast, based on a memoir by Loung Ung, attempts to help the healing process.

For the BBC's Our World, Host Yalda Hakim has been to Theravada Buddhist Cambodia to meet Jolie and some of those who lived through that genocide. More about the film and book (First They Killed My Father: A Daughter of Cambodia Remembers by Loung Ung)

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