Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Massive ancient pyramid of Indonesia (video)

Bright Insight, Sept. 14, 2017; Dhr. Seven, Pat Macpherson (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
This is Borobudur, a pyramid-shaped Buddhist temple in Indonesia, the world's largest.

Scientists prevent excavation of CHAMBER inside world's oldest pyramid
Thirty-four scientists have literally campaigned to PREVENT the excavation of a hidden chamber -- which was found through ground-penetrating radar -- inside Gunung Padang, the world's oldest known pyramid.

World's largest Buddhist temple, Borobudur
The "Indonesian Pyramid" is at 25,000-years-old in formerly-Buddhist Indonesia, site of the world's largest excavated Buddhist temple, pyramidal Borobudur in Java, Indonesia.

(Afghanistan's yet to be excavated Mes Aynak, site of one of the Buddha's three royal hometowns, may be the largest). Currently the world's largest pyramid is not in Egypt as most of us are led to assume but in Mexico, at Cholula in Puebla.

This makes Gunung Padang twice as old as Göbekli Tepe, the astonishing and only partially uncovered temple complex of unknown origin, which is only thought to be 12,000 years old.

Links to the "debate" between disgraced, former Minister of State for Antiquities Affairs Zahi Hawass (Egypt's self-aggrandizing "Indiana Jones") and American researcher and author Graham Hancock (

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