Friday, September 22, 2017

Puerto Rico hit by weather warfare (video)

Dane Wigington* (; guest Dane Wigington, Host Jimmy Church (, 9/22/17); Pfc. Sandoval, Seth Auberon (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
What were they aiming at when they hit Houston, Texas, and Puebla, Mexico?

Who is choosing weather targets? US DoD
Was Puerto Rico the target of weather warfare from Hurricane Maria manipulation?

Was the case the same with Texas and Hurricane Harvey? Cuba and Hurricane Irma?

What are the odds of U.S. and Caribbean nations experiencing a sudden rash of catastrophic hurricanes [and sudden rash of strong earthquakes] after a 12 year major hurricane landfall drought?

Why was there a 12 year major cyclone landfall drought in the U.S. to begin with?

Is the US Dept. of War Defense after PR?
These questions are especially puzzling when we consider that the rest of the world has endured record strength cyclones with record frequency during the same period.

Climate intervention and cyclone manipulation programs are a verifiable reality, not theory or speculation. The 6 minute video above contains animations of radio frequency transmissions interacting and impacting Hurricanes Maria and Jose.

What are the possible objectives of the geoengineers [from the U.S. Department of War Defense and other governmental organizations]? More

*Researcher and activist Dane Wigington has been documenting disturbing changes in the environment called "geoengineering." This includes various weather modification techniques including chemtrails and HAARP [for warfare used since at least the U.S. War on Vietnam to flood jungles in an attempt to flush out or drown Viet Cong resistance troops fighting western imperialism and capitalist exploitation] as well as GMO crops. Wigington joined Coast to Coast Host Jimmy Church to discuss why he believes our recent extreme weather is [being purposely caused and] all the result of geoengineering.
The Venus Syndrome
Venus Syndrome or the "runaway greenhouse effect" (see worse than capitalist carbon credits moneymaking scam: (Methane is far worse than carbon, but no one worries about how cow production for slaughter, like the raising and mass slaughter of pigs and chickens, has far more polluting impact than passenger cars). "Disaster capitalists" (see Naomi Klein) will never get their wish to profit from the climate and atmospheric changes. Instead, at this rate, the whole planet will be ruined by current weather manipulations. Even if they were to live underground in bunkers and DUMBs (deep underground military bases) for a time, the planet's surface would be ruined. This has to be turned around now.

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