Friday, September 22, 2017

Pyramids of Bosnia bigger than Egypt (video)

Bright Insight; Smithsonian; edited, expanded by Pat Macpherson, Dhr. Seven, Wisdom Quarterly
Pyramids found on our moon? There is also other ancient archeology, but never mind.
Bosnian Pyramids 2017 UPDATE: Evidence of advanced ancient human civilization with lost high technology

Bright Insight
The Bosnian Pyramids are definitive evidence of a lost ancient human civilization that was far more advanced than textbooks and mainstream "scientists" acknowledge. There is evidence of lost ancient advanced technology.

I am not an alien. I'm Han.
(WQ) There are massive pyramids in Mexico and Ancient Mesoamerica (the land between the U.S. Southwest and Central America), the Moon, and China.

(It is said that the Han Chinese -- the largest group on earth and 92% of the Chinese population -- came from the dying planet Mars. Once here, unable to return to their ruined planet, they built a walled kingdom to conserve their advanced civilization and keep it from the earthling "barbarians" around them).

There's no such thing as a "space alien/ET."
There are pyramids in Antarctica, California, Mars (Cairo means "City of Mars"), and even a subterranean one in Alaska.

But Bosnia may be special. One of the Bosnian pyramids is alleged to be twice the size of the Great Pyramid of Giza, Egypt. How big is that?

Sam Osmanagich claims that 12,000 years ago, early Europeans built "the greatest pyramidal complex" on earth, in Bosnia (Morten Hvaal/
Massive pyramid in Antarctica
Sam Osmanagich kneels down next to a low wall, part of a 6-by-10-foot rectangle of fieldstone with an earthen floor. If I'd come upon it in a farmer's backyard here on the edge of Visoko -- in Bosnia and Herzegovina, 15 miles northwest of Sarajevo -- I would have assumed it to be the foundation of a shed or cottage abandoned by some 19th-century peasant.
Shhh. Earthquake allegedly reveals massive step pyramid in central coastal California
The world's largest officially recognized pyramid, larger than Giza, is in Cholula, Mexico.
Osmanagich, a blond, 49-year-old Bosnian who has lived for 16 years in Houston, Texas [USA], has a more colorful explanation:

"Maybe it's a burial site, and maybe it's an entrance, but I think it's some type of ornament, because this is where the western and northern sides meet," he says, gesturing toward the summit of Pljesevica Hill, 350 feet above us.

"You find evidence of the stone structure everywhere. Consequently, you can conclude that the whole thing is a pyramid."
Not just any pyramid, but what Osmanagich calls the Pyramid of the Moon, the world's largest -- and oldest -- step pyramid.
Looming above the opposite side of town is the so-called Pyramid of the Sun -- also known as Visocica Hill -- which, at 720 feet, also dwarfs the Great Pyramids of Egypt. A third pyramid, he says, is in the nearby hills. ...
But the Smithsonian (a consortium of museums and massive warehouses much more interested in hiding artifacts, preserving from public view a great deal of evidence that runs counter to the official story of life on earth, the "consensus reality" we are allowed to believe by the University and mainstream theorists in public science or be ridiculed and dismissed as "crazy" until enough evidence comes out that truth is far stranger than fiction.

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