Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Violent Buddhists targeting Burmese Muslims?

Editors, Wisdom Quarterly, 9/20/17; The Daily Show with Trevor Noah, Sept. 13, 2017

Nobel Peace Prize winner and Burma's titular (nominal) leader Aung San Suu Kyi takes heat for ignoring the nominally Buddhist Burmese Army-led ethnic cleansing of the Muslim Rohingya people of Burma. [The government says the Rohingya are not Burmese but Bangladeshis in the country illegally. It adds that because they are behaving like "terrorists," it is only "clearing" them out when it is in fact conducting a textbook genocide.] Watch full episodes of The Daily Show (free). It airs weeknights at 11/10 Central Time on Comedy Central.

The end of our heroine Suu Kyi?
The fairy Suu Kyi and dragon Than Shwe
Would that it were only a joke, only some friendly ribbing from the Daily Show, but no. The Lady, Aung San Suu Kyi, i sliving up to her Nobel Peace Prize about as well as warmonger Pres. B. Obama. This short summary video is dubbed "Violent Buddhists Target Muslims in Myanmar: The Daily Show."
I don't want to talk about it!
Burma, called Myanmar by the military dictators who still run it from behind the scenes in their new capital of Naypyidaw.

They've abandoned Rangoon (Yangon) and The Lady, now a member of Parliament and the FACE of the country, but NOT its official leader, not by a long shot. B. Obama and former Secretary of State promised to prop up pro-Democracy figurehead Aung San Suu Kyi, who for so long languished under house arrest.

The Myanmar Daily Show with Noah Trevor (Nov. 13, 2015) In a special 2015 Burmese edition of The Daily Show, Trevor examines Myanmar's election of pro-democracy Nobel Peace Prize winner Aung San Suu Kyi into parliament [as FM not president nor prime minister].
But, Barry, do you think they'll take away our Nobel Peace Prizes? - Nah, not mine. - But you killed people and made wars and signed the Indefinite Detention Act, and stood quiet as... - Yeah, but I got my prize as a payoff before I did anything peaceful. You were actually a hero who's doing nothing now in the face of genocide. Talk to Hillary when she's president (AP).

Rohingya genocide: Are Suu Kyi's Rohingya claims correct? (

Hey, Rocket Lady, you chose Hillary.
But Pres. Trump is no source of support, so the military junta, led by Burma's real strong arm leader, a man who is worse than Trump, General Than "Asian Hitler" Shwe.

Suu Kyi's hands are tied. And presumably she has to watch what she says for fear of angering the real movers and shakers who pull her strings, the military junta living royally in Naypyidaw.

I really admire Dictator Trump. - Than Shwe
She can do little to stop the genocide and ethnic cleansing of Burma's most oppressed ethnic minority, the reviled Muslim Rohingya people of coastal Rakhine State next to formerly Buddhist now Muslim Bangladesh.

But she could be brave enough to speak up for them. Worse than silence she is making excuses, blaming the victims, and purposely turning a deaf ear to their suffering and the cries of the world for her to step up and live up to her Nobel Peace Prize.

We live as kings on embezzled billions while Burma suffers as a Third World country.
Burma's Hard Man (Time)
The world would prefer silence to statements like, "They are burning their own houses and villages to make the government look bad."

She too closely followed in the footsteps of grand American liar Hillary Clinton, war criminal, failed candidate, personal student of genocidal mentor,  war criminal, former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger. 

I've got my own problems, Suu Kyi. - H.C.
Hillary Clinton was a right winger until she met husband and notorious liar, husband former Pres. Bill Clinton. Both are attorneys, and both sold out the Democratic Party to push "moderate" to the right. They are more corporate-capitalists than progressives, regardless of what focus groups tell them to say in public. Oh, Aung San, turn it around!

"It is not power that corrupts, but fear. Fear of losing power corrupts those who wield it and fear of the scourge of power corrupts those who are subject to it." - Aung San Suu Kyi
Oh, Dark Lord, General Than Shwe, am I ready to come to the Dark Side? - Not yet.
Barry, I want to be just like her, like Hillary. - Be careful what you wish for, Suu Kyi!

If only Gen. Than Shwe were prosecuted

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